~ Part 49 ~ Girls Night, Baby ~

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Detroit Rock City - KISS

-Lily POV-

I walk around my room, grabbing my pajamas and robes for the next day. I go over into the bathroom and grab my hairbrush, and then stuff it all in my book bag. I then hop down the stairs, getting ready to head to the Gryffindor dorms for a girls night.

"Where are you goin', Lils?" James asks, sitting on the couch.

"Didn't you hear Marls earlier? I'm pretty sure I won't be here tomorrow if I don't go sleep over with the girls," I answer.

"Okay... I'll see you tomorrow then, Evans," James says with a grin. "Don't miss me too much."

"Later, Potter," I reply with a smirk, and roll of my eyes.

~ ~ ~

"Panthera Leo," I tell the Fat Lady.

I step into the Gryffindor common room for the first time in a while. I look around at the familiar fire place and couches. I walk over to the staircase up to the girls dorms, and go up the stairs. I find Mary, Alice, and Marlene's dorm, open the door, and step inside only to be attacked by those very same girls.

"So you have a DATE WITH HIM?" Alice exclaims.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Mary adds.

"Play by play, Lily. Or else." Marlene demands.

"Ugh, alright. Fine. But first we get snacks and Butterbeer," I instruct. "If we're gonna have a girls night, it's gotta be a proper one."

"Alright, only as long as you promise to tell us everything," Alice says.

"Everything," Mary repeats.

"Leave nothing out," Marlene says.

"Deal. Alright, you guys stay here. I'm gonna go sneak into the kitchens," I tell them.

~ ~ ~

I scamper down a corridor, and come to a halt at an unimportant-looking painting of a fruit bowl. I tip toe forward, and tickle the pear in the fruit bowl. The painting swings open to reveal the profound Hogwarts kitchens. I walk in to see a big fireplace, loads of food filling up tables, and house elves scurrying around. They notice me, and several come running over.

"Miss Evans! Would you like the usual?" One of them asks. I come here decently often when I can't sleep, okay?

"Oh, no thank you, Tinny. I'm having a sleepover, so if you could just get me some snacky-type things?" I tell the house elf; Tinny.

"Of course, Miss Evans," Tinny replies, then she hurries away. She shortly after returns with a tray full of all types of sweet and salty things; perfect for tonight.

I say a quick thank you, and step out into the hallway holding the tray. I hear footsteps, and duck around a corner. I flatten myself against a wall, and hear Filch walk by, muttering things. I let out a breath as he rounds another corner, and I rush down the corridor, and to the Fat Lady.

"Panthera Leo," I mutter, and hurry inside. I go up the staircase, and into the girls's dorm.

"Okay, you have your snacks, now spill," Alice says, comfying herself on the floor. I set down the tray, grab a thing of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, and sit cross cross applesauce on the floor. We all sit in a circle, the tray of food in the middle.

"Yeah. Lily, I want every thing that happened since when you ran off when James was under the love potion," Marlene instructs.

"Well, I went to some random broom closet, and then James came and found me. I was feeling insecure about all the things he said when he was under the potion, and I basically was rambling about that. Well, then he stopped me and, uh, told me... I guess, why I was wrong...?" I say.

"Wait... why you were wrong. Does that mean he like, complimented you?" Mary asks with a sly grin.

"Um... yeah...?" I answer, blushing.

"Awww, Lily's blushing," Alice drawls.

"Okay, keep going, then, Lily," Marlene instructs with a smirk.

"Well, he was like... rambling, and then I, uh, I"-I lower my voice saying the next thing-"kissed him."

Mary gasps dramatically.

"Wow, little ol' Lily's gaining some confidence," Marlene says with a smirk.

"So that makes the kiss count 2!" Alice says loudly.

"Um, 3, actually," I whisper, hoping they didn't hear. Well, they did, I tell ya.

"WHAT?" Alice, Mary, and Marlene exclaim at the same time.

"WHEN?" Mary yells.

"On the train..." I say, cringing.


"No, I didn't tell you, because it barely even counted," I tell them.

"Why?" Mary asks.

"Because I asked him to forget about it," I say.

"Why?" Marlene exclaims.

"I don't... really know..." I trail off.

"Alright. So three kisses, then. What about how you asked him to go to Slug's party?" Alice asks.

"Well, he sorta caught me, um... staring at him... and he was getting all smug... so then I blurted out that Slughorn's having us bring someone to his party, so... yeah," I explain.

"Staring at him, eh, Lily?" Mary quips.

"Oh sod off," I say, and I grab a Butterbeer and pop off the cork.

~ ~ ~


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