~ Part 12 ~ He Can't Be That Bad ~

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Have You Ever Seen The Rain - Joan Jett - (original version by Creedence Clearwater Revival)

-Lily POV-

"I do know who Head Boy is."

"Well, who?"

"You'll like him."


"You'll see." And at that he finally heaves the trunk onto the train, steps up on the train, and struts away.

Merlin, that boy will be the death of me.

I step up onto the train, and grab my trunk that James thankfully lifted onto the train. I know that Mary will already be somewhere on, saving us all a spot (Marlene, Alice and I), so I walk up the train looking for her. I get to the compartment she normally saves for us each year (3rd train car, last compartment on the right) but there's some Hufflepuff 2nd years and no Mary. I decide to just keep on walking; I'll come across her eventually. I walk through the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th before I see two students talking to each other in the first compartment on the left in the 9th train car. I smile.

Mary is in there talking with Remus. Mary laughs, and Remus smiles at her. Finally. My smile then turns to a smirk as they keep on talking, not noticing the red head staring at them. I finally open the door, and they both stop talking. I laugh. I don't even mind that I'll be sitting in the Marauders compartment.

"Don't act like you weren't just talking. I was watching you all for like, 5 minutes," I say, smiling. Remus's cheeks turn a light pink.

"Stalk, much?" Mary asks, attempting to hide a blush.

"Date, much? Oh wait, I forgot, you all don't," I respond. They both turn a shade darker at this.

"Lily! Is that a Head badge?" Mary asks, trying to change the subject. I'll allow it.

"Oh yes! I'm so excited and surprised! I can't wait to get to all my duties," I say. Remus and Mary both roll their eyes.

"You're surprised," Mary replies. "Why do you always underestimate yourself Lily? Literally everyone knew it was going to be you!"

"Really, Lily, she's right. If it were someone else that's when I'd be surprised," Remus says. "And anyways, should you head over to the prefects compartment? Just, get ready for the meeting, I suppose?"

"Oh yes, you're right," I respond. "I wonder who Head Boy is? I really hope it's someone good. Wait! Remus! You didn't get Head Boy?! I was sure it was gonna be you!"

Remus makes eye contact with Mary and they both smugly smile.

"What? What are you guys looking at each other like that for? Wait! You know! Who is it?"

Their smirks grow even wider.

"You'll like him," Remus says.

"Ugh! That's exactly what James said!" I exclaim. Remus and Mary burst out laughing.

Why won't someone just tell me?

"I guess you'll just have to figure it out for yourself, Lils," Mary says, still chuckling.

"Fine! I will!" I say. "I'm going then. Someone put my trunk up on the shelf, please."

I walk out, turn right, and head towards the Prefect Compartment.

Why is no one telling me who Head Boy is? Why were Remus and Mary acting so weird and mischievous?

I walk slower. The Head Boy can't be that bad, can he?

I walk even slower. No need to rush.

In almost no time I find myself staring at the door to the compartment.

Why is this so hard? He can't be that bad. He can't be that bad.

That's what I keep telling myself as I turn the door nob. I slowly push open the door, and then I see him.

My eyes widen in shock.

Him? Why would Dumbledore choose him? A pranking, hexing, back talking, troublemaker?

My eyebrows scrunch. Now that I think about it, I suppose he has matured a bit. Less pranks, stopped having ask-out-Minnie competitions with Sirius, stopped casting awful spells on innocent students. He really hasn't done any of that in several years, actually.

But still. I suppose this was the year Dumbledore's finally lost his marbles.

James Potter was Head Boy.

James Potter was Head Boy.

~ ~ ~


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