~ Part 67 ~ What A Surprise ~

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Monster - Skillet

-Lily POV-

I take a deep breath.

I mean, it isn't that surprising. We are soulmates... but I mean, soulmates would mean I love him in the future! Me smelling him in the amortentia would mean like... now!

James looks at me. "Are you okay? What did you smell?"

"Oh... what?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"What did you smell?" James repeats.

"Oh... uh, parchment, the beach, and petunias," I say, hoping James will let it pass even though most people smell four things.

James studies me, as if trying to figure me out, and I hold my breath. "Okay," he finally says slowly.

I let out that breath.

I see Slughorn come over to our desk. "Ah! A perfect amortentia potion! But no surprise there, as we have my best witch brewing! I'd say that deserves 10 points to Gryffindor."

"Thanks, Professor," I say. James agrees. Slughorn lumbers off, humming a tune I don't recognize.

~ ~ ~

Not much later, when the bell rings, I immediately rush out of the classroom without a glance back.

I hear someone run after me, and I slow down when I see it's Marlene.

"What happened?" Marlene asks.

I groan. "I... um..."

"Go on," she pushes.

"I smelled James in the amortentia," I murmur.

"What a surprise."

"Marlene!" I exclaim, and I push her arm. "You're supposed to help me with these things!"

"Well, what do you want me do?"

"I don't know! I need to know what to do," I tell her. "So... what do I do?"

"Nothing," she answers blankly.

I sigh. "You're no help."

"You love me really," she replies with a grin, and then murmurs, "and apparently James too."

Marlene bolts down the hallway before I can decipher her words, but once I do, I run after her, swinging my bag like a club.


~ ~ ~


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