~ Part 35 ~ Pads, It's Urgent! ~

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Urgent  -  Foreigner

-James POV-

Minnie curtly knocks on the door of the Muggle Studies classroom, which opens to reveal a confused looking Professor Atwood.

"Minerva...?" Atwood trails off, confused as to why Professor McGonagall was escorting me into class.

"Professor Atwood," Minnie greets. "Mr. Potter has gotten himself into a situation, and I just needed to make sure he arrived to class without any... detours." Minnie shoots a pointed look towards me. She motions for me to go sit down. I take a seat next to some random student. "Now, if you happen to see Severus Snape anywhere near Mr. Potter today, I would like you to make sure that the two do not come into contact. Thank you, and I apologize for interrupting your lesson."

And at that, Minnie turns and walks out in the same brisk pace as always. Everyone turns to look at me. I just stare right back at them, daring them to say something.

"Now! Class, as I was saying, the telephone..."

Atwood talks about telephones, but I tune him out. Muggle stuff, if I had to be honest, was gnarly, but my mind was clouded with visions of Lily. I try not to think of her lying there defenseless, a broken look in her eye, but my mind has other ideas.

Haha, I will most definitely not be avoiding Snape.

~ ~ ~

I walk out of Muggle Studies as normal as I can, but I'm pretty sure I'm stomping so hard the soles of my shoes will be ruined by next class.

"Mr. Potter," Professor Atwood says as I walk out the door. I stop, but don't turn around. "I do expect you to avoid Mr. Snape, for whatever reason that is."

I curtly nod, walk out, and right when I am out of view of Atwood, I whip out the Marauders Map and search for Snape's name yet again. He's out by the Black Lake with Lucius and Bellatrix, most likely on a free period. I think I have potions, but I really don't care. I would just go and pound Snape myself, but because he has two others with him I fish out my two-way mirror.

"Pads! Pads it's urgent!" I yell at the mirror. A few people give me weird looks for yelling at a mirror, but who really gives a shit?

"What, mate? The last time you called me for an emergency it was because McLaggen had asked Evans to Hogsmeade and you were fretting for no reason, so if it's something stupid like that, then—" Sirius responds, but I cut him off.

"I need some backup. ASAP. Get Remus, and meet me at the tree," I say.

"Fine, fine, but if it's anything—"


"Alright, okay!"

I run down hallways and staircases, and out the doors and reach the tree, my mind going as fast as my feet. I stand there in front of the tree, and tap my foot impatiently a few times. I begin pacing back and forth.

"Oi! Prongs! What could you possibly—" Sirius says, and him and Remus come walking up.

"We gotta beat up Snape," I blurt.

"Huh? I mean, don't get me wrong, there is a mutual hate for Snivs, but—" Sirius begins.

"Why, exactly?" Remus finishes.

"He—" I begin, but then continue a bit quieter. "He crucio-ed Lily."

Remus and Sirius both stare at me, and then explode.

"He bloody WHAT?!" Sirius yells.

"What? When did this happen? How?" Remus asks urgently. "Where's Lily? Is she alright?"

"She... I found her crying in a broom closet earlier and she told me what happened, so then I took her to Madam Pomfrey. We haven't told anyone what Snape really did yet," I say quietly.

"And? I know you did something to Snape already," Remus says.

"Okay, so I already got in a punch or two, but think about it! JUST BLOODY THINK ABOUT WHAT SNAPE DID TO HER! ALRIGHT?" I exclaim. "WE ARE GETTING HIM."

"Oh, we are," Sirius growls.

"Never said we weren't," Remus adds grimly.

We all care about Lily, all three of us. But for different reasons; different relationships with her. Remus and Lily are simply good friends; some of the best friends, actually. Sirius and Lily just understand each other family-wise, and have a relationship like brother and sister; they'll often argue, but when the time comes they have each other's back without limits. Lily and I... oh who in hell knows. Merlin knows I love that girl, but she doesn't reciprocate the feelings, so we're friends and that's that.

"So what's the plan?" Sirius asks.

"Well, he's over there with Bellatrix and Lucius so... you get the rest," I say. They nod, and we all walk over to where Snape, Black, and Malfoy were huddled.

"OI! SNIVELLUS!" I shout, storming over to the Slytherins. Snape whirls around, and I see that a black eye has formed since I last saw him. "You like that black eye? Want two?"

I start punching him in every place I can, my mind blank as he doubles over in pain. I couldn't tell you all of what had happened if I wanted to—other than I whooped his arse—because my vision sort of went red.

"What is going on here?" I see a Professor rushing over to me with furrowed eyebrows, and they grab my torso to hold me back.

And it got worse.

"Mr. Potter! I deliberately told you to avoid Mr. Snape!" Professor McGonagall says, storming into view. "And what's worse, you got other students involved!"

"What? You didn't tell me Minnie's already nailed you!" Sirius tells me.

"Must've slipped my mind..." I respond. The Professor let's go of me, and I begin to pounce on Snape again, but a murderous glare from Minnie makes me restrain myself.

"Mr. Potter, we will be having the meeting now. I do not understand what the cause of your actions are, but I intend to," Minnie says. "I would like Mr. Black and Lupin to attend as well."

"What?! WHAT ABOUT BLACK AND MALFOY?" I yell. "Not you, Pads."

"Very well. Miss Black and Mr. Malfoy, I ask you to come along too. Please go fetch Miss Evans, and meet in my classroom. Mr. Snape, Mr. Malfoy, Miss Black, come with me." And at that, Minnie walks off. I glare in the direction of Snape.

"I know it's none of my business, but what happened?" Asked the Professor of whom I recognize as Professor Kettleburn, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

"Snape fucking—" I start, but Remus interrupts.

"Did something to Lily, and we had to get revenge," Remus finishes simply.

"Alright..." Professor Kettleburn trails off with narrowed eyes. "Go on and... go on and get Miss Evans, then."

"Yes, let's go get Lily, guys," Remus agrees.

"And hope Minnie doesn't kill us," Sirius adds.

"And hope she does kill Snivs." I finish.

~ ~ ~


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