~ Part 74 ~ You Listen Here, Eloise ~

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While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles

-Lily POV-

"Night Lils!" James chirps that night as he hops up the stairs into his room, having most likely temporarily forgotten his little cousin and her crush.

But I hadn't.

Once James had gone off with Sirius after our chat with Eloise, I had caught up with her and we had agreed to meet in an old classroom tonight (in the 6th corridor) to talk about it.

So I reply to an unsuspecting James-"Night, James!"-and wait a moment after he shuts his door.

Then I shoot up off the couch, and walk out the painting quietly. I scamper down a few corridors, until finally I reach the 6th corridor, and come to a stop in front of the classroom that me and Eloise agreed on.

I sneak a look to the right of me, and to the left, and gingerly open the door, shutting it gently behind me.

I let out a breath. My Head Girl record hasn't been damaged yet, and I wasn't about to change that.

I scan the room, and my heart practically jumps out of my rib cage when I hear a voice.


I turn around with wide eyes and see Eloise leaning on a desk half in a shadow.

I put my hand in my chest, panting. "Holy..." I mutter. "You gave me a fright."

She gives a crooked grin that reminds me a lot of James, and shrugs. I motion for her to sit at one of the desks, and I lean back in a chair opposite her.

"So, who is this boy, then?" I ask, giving her a gentle smile.

Eloise gets a nervous look on her face. "Um... that's... that's the thing..."

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I... it's... it's..." she mumbles, but then finally blurts it out. "It's a girl, okay? There! I said it."

I blink, looking at her. "How many people have you told?"

"That-that I like girls?" She asks with a troubled look. I nod. "Just you! I mean, I just thought you'd be the kind of understanding person... I-I don't know, but I... is it bad?"

"No! No! Of course not! Not at all-"

"But what if-"

"If people don't accept you for the way you are, then they shouldn't get to deserve to know you," I say simply.

With a undecided expression, she says, "Okay."

"Now you listen here, Eloise," I tell her. "Love is love no matter who is loving who. Anyone that says otherwise is valuing physical aspects over what really matters."

Then, more determined, she says, "Okay."

Then with the same crooked grin she had given me, I ask again, "Well then. Who is it?"

"Um... Abi McDonald," Eloise mumbles.

A large smile creeps into my face. "Really? Oh my gosh! Mary's little sister! Yes! Abi! And you! That's perfect! Shy little Abi, and confident little Eloise!"

I see blush creeping into her face. "Well how do I tell her I like her?"

"Well... I suppose... you could catch her after dinner, and walk her to the Hufflepuff common room, and then you... tell her. Like, just, Abi... I like you," I tell Eloise, nodding my head at myself as I come up with my plan.

"But what if she doesn't like me back, or isn't into girls?" Eloise asks nervously.

"Well, when things like that happen, sometimes you just have to tell yourself, there'll be others," I tell Eloise.

"But what if there isn't! What if she's the only one I'll ever like, and I could be risking my current friendship with her!" Eloise frets.

"Well, it's worth the risk if there's a possibility that you could be more," I say.

Eloise nods.

There's a moment of silence.

"Now... I think you need to have a chat with James, soon," I say. "Of course, if you aren't ready to tell people, don't rush. It's not a crime to keep that to yourself. It takes time and courage to come out. But when you are ready, please do tell him."

"I-I think I can tell him. I'm ready to at least come out to him," She answers with a driven expression. "But when will I do it?"

"I can tell him that you two need to talk. I'm sure he'll seek you out," I reply.

"Thanks, Lily."

"No problem, El."

~ ~ ~
NOTES: To those of you who are going through something like Eloise's situation; you are afraid to come out because you think people will judge you-take your time to tell people. Seek out those you know you can trust. And most importantly, love yourself for who you are, and don't let others tell you what to be. Because all you have to be is YOU.


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