~ Part 68 ~ You Were Worth The Wait ~

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Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes

-Lily POV-

Okay, let me update you on what's been happening.

I've been dodging James all week.

After I pounded Marlene on Monday, she finally gave me some advice. But it was horrible advice, so I went my own way. The only reasonable way to deal with your problems. Avoiding them.

In classes, I always sit by either Marlene, or Remus, or if James is the only one in my class, I sit with a random person. During meals, I just don't really... talk to him, or I just give him short answers. And in our-shared-dorms, I just get in and out of there quickly as possible.

It was Monday when I-cough-wore his shirt on accident and smelled him in our amortentia-cough.

And now it's Friday, aka patrol night for me and James. How am I supposed to avoid him then?

Currently, I am sitting on the couch in the common room waiting for James to come down.

And... speak of the devil. James hops down the stairs.

"Hey," he greets.

"Hey," I say with an awkward wave, avoiding his gaze. "Um, lead the way."

James nods and walks forward, and out through the painting. I stand up from the couch and follow after him.

We start down the corridor, both silent. I glance over at him, and find him looking back at me. I immediately look away.

James sighs. "Lils, what is going on? You've been avoiding me all week, ever since the amortentia! And I don't know why... I mean, if I did anything wrong, please tell me! Don't just avoid me! What changed?"

I sigh just like James had. "Sorry, I-I just..." I begin, but then stop as I start thinking.

Why was I avoiding him?

If I'm gonna be honest with myself, the reason is that I'm denying the fact that... that I do fancy James.

There, I said it.

But the problem is... what am I going to do about it?

Maybe I'm waiting for him to do something? I don't know. It really doesn't make much sense.

"Lily," James starts earnestly. "I-I was going to-I mean... I thought there was a chance, but-but then you started ignoring me, so I really don't know, but... um..."

"Yeah?" I ask hopefully.

"Will you... be... my girlfriend?" He asks, wincing. I smile. "I-I mean, we... you had fun on the date, right?"

Well, Lily. It's time to woman up and stop waiting. It's now or never.

I stop walking. James stops too, and turns back to me.

Without hesitating, I stand up on my tippy-toes, plant a small kiss on his lips, and say, "Yes."

James grins, but then frowns. "But why were you avoiding me?"

"Ah... yes. Um... I may or may not have smelled you in the amortentia," I murmur. James's grin replants itself on his face.

"I smelled you too!" He replies. "But that still doesn't answer why you avoided me..."

"I was just... I don't know... trying to deny the fact that I did smell you."

"Well, that doesn't really make sense, but you just said yes, so I don't care!"

We stand there, pausing for a moment.

"Um... can I kiss you?" James asks in the most adorable voice.

I can't help smiling even wider. "Uh, yeah," I stutter.

And he leans down and puts his hands on my waist, pulling my closer. I grab his tie, and pull down so that his head is level with mine. We both lean in, and our lips meet. I reach my hands up and place them around his back. He pulls me-if possible-closer to him. My arms then go around to his neck.

For our first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend, it wasn't bad.

We pull away, both grinning.

"So..." James says.

"You're my boyfriend," I say, smiling.

"And you're my girlfriend," he adds, with the same smile.

I don't know how long we stared at each other for, but long enough to where it would've gotten awkward for any onlookers.

I pull my gaze away from his when I hear footsteps.

"Oh, crap, that's probably Filch," I mutter.

"Um... try to look like you're doing patrol-ly things," James replies.

We both turn forward and begin walking down a corridor, trying to look as though we've been doing it all along.

"HEY! What're you kids doin-" I hear Filch start.

"Patrols," James and I both answer easily.

Filch narrows his eyes and stalks off, sulking because he hadn't gotten anyone in trouble.

James giggles, which causes me to giggle. We keep laughing for a whole other corridor, but then we finally settle down.

There's a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry about ignoring you all week," I finally say.

"S'okay, Evans. You were worth the wait."

~ ~ ~


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