~ Part 4 ~ What Are We Gonna Do With A Feather And Shaving Cream? ~

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Come As You Are - Nirvana

-James POV-

"Okay, guys... why don't we... go on up to my room," Lily says, trying to sound awkward, but I could tell that her sister's comment had hurt her. Why exactly, I don't know. Lily should know better than to believe that she was a... freak! She wasn't a freak, and neither were any other witches or wizards! Lily's dad popped me out of my thought bubble.

"Well. It's very nice to meet you both," Mr. Evans said with slightly narrowed eyes once Lily was out of hearing range.

"You as well, sir," Sirius replied smoothly, unwavering under Mr. Evans stare. Damn your politeness-training background, Sirius.

"Um, yeah, Mr. Evans," I stammered. "It's good to meet you too."

"Okay, the both of you, listen up," Mr. Evans said after an awkward moment. "There are three teenagers besides my daughter, inside my house, and I can't help but think that at least one of you fancies my daughter. I know it isn't Marlene, because she always gets what she wants, and if she wanted my daughter, she would've had her by now. That leads me to believe that it's one of you two. So, frankly, I'd love to know who does."

"Well, sir, as I have a thing for Marlene, I believe the one you're looking for is James, here," Sirius said, and gestured towards me. This time I narrowed my eyes, at Sirius. And at that the black haired menace hopped up the stairs as if he owned the place. Mr. Evans walked towards me, and I couldn't help but feel a little, or a lot, nervous.

"Alright, Mr. James, I believe I've heard about you," Mr. Evans said. "The last name Potter?"

"Oh, yeah," I answer, then do a double take and give Mr. Evans an excited look. "Wait, Lily talks about me?"

He shoots me a warning glare. "You don't play her, you don't hurt her, and you don't do anything without consent and we'll be wonderful friends," Mr. Evans said. "You do, then I don't believe we'll get along very well."

"Um... yes—" I started, but he just walked back into the kitchen. Ms. Evans sent me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, he can be a bit overprotective," Ms. Evans said. "I suppose ever since Petunia got that Vernon as a boyfriend, he's trying very hard to make sure Lily acquires an adequate one."

I open my mouth to speak, but Ms. Evans hurriedly beats me to it.

"Not that there's—not that there's anything particularly wrong with—with Vernon, he's, erm, lovely, but, just..." Ms. Evans trailed off, and I could tell that she didn't like Vernon very much, and I could see why from all the things Lily's told me about him. "My husband just wants to make sure Lily's man treats her right," Ms. Evans gets a glint her eye. "So yes, you had better treat her well, or he'll have your head."

I felt a sort of pride that Ms. Evans had addressed me as Lily's man, but I brushed away the excitement and replied.

"Oh, of course I'll treat her right," I say, and I was planning to stop there, but the rest just sort of falls out. "I mean, first of all, she's Lily and if I didn't treat her right she's kick me where the sun don't shine. And second of all, she's Lily, and she deserves everything in the world; being treated right is a given. And third of all, if I don't treat her right and she leaves me once I finally get her to date me, then years and years of hard work will have been for nothing!"

Ms. Evans just smiles, but I can see a small smirk hidden in the folds of her sweet smile. She nods and walks off after Mr. Evans with a smug, satisfied look on her face.

Nah, She Didn'tNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ