~ Part 59 ~ Are We Gonna Get You Dolled Up, Or What? ~

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Welcome to the Black  -  My Chemical Romance

-James POV-

My eyes shoot open Saturday morning when something large and heavy lands on me. I grunt, and look to see the intent eyes of Sirius Black looking back at me. I roll my eyes, then I wonder how he got into the Head dorms. My eyebrows scrunch as I look around the room, but then I recognize it as the Marauders

And then all the memories of last night come rushing into my brain. I feel my lips automatically form into a smile.




"Mate, get that stupid-idiot smile off your face," I hear Sirius say with a raised eyebrow, snapping in my face. I blink myself back into reality and pout at him.

Well, then I get thinking.

This is the moment I've been waiting for for four years.

What if I mess it up?

I'm bloody gonna mess it up, aren't I?

Oh Merlin.

I'll probably be a blundering, clumsy idiot the whole time and Lily will be thinking I'm an oddball who sweats way too much because, damn, will I ever be sweating nervously when I go on a date with Lily Evans.

Oh Merlin.

I'm probably going to—

"You know, when I said stop smiling like an idiot, I didn't mean replace that by looking like a chicken idiot nicompoop," Sirius says into my face. Again, I am snapped back into the reality of him still sprawled on top of me.

"Chicken idiot nincompoop," I hear Remus mutter to no one in particular. "I'll be adding that to the dictionary. Right next to donkey-fucker."

"Get off me!" I groan at Sirius, annoyed, trying to squirm out from under the bloody walrus.

"Haters gonna hate," Sirius says, shrugging, and lifting himself off me. I sit up, and look around the room.

Remus was sitting peacefully on a chair by the window, reading, and completely ignoring us, while Peter wasn't even present.

I check the time; 9:00 am. Hogsmeade was at 11:00 am.

"Oh Merlin," I groan, as a wave of nerve-nausea sweeps over me. I start breathing in quicker and quicker, my eyes widening. "Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh Merlin. I have got only 2 hours before I meet Lily. Oh Merlin."

"Oh, calm down," Sirius tells me.

"You've practically already gone on a date with her before," Remus chastises. "This is basically your second one."

"But in this one it's actually planned," I panic.

"Oh come on," Sirius says. "How bad could it be?"

I open my mouth to reply to Sirius explaining in depth how bad it really could be, but Remus beats me to it. "Oh, let me go get the popcorn. This'll last a while," he says sarcastically. I stick my tongue out at him (no, it's not childish).

"Shut up, Moony, I'm serious," I urge.

"No, I am," Sirius quips. I shoot him a look.

"You'll be fine," Remus assures.

"We'll get you all dolled up, and Lily'll love you," Sirius says. I roll my eyes.

"James Potter doesn't get dolled up," I say.

"Whatever," Sirius replies with a smirk. "And besides, if it's any help, I'll throw a Halloween party for you after."

"Like the last party went so well," Remus murmurs.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, acting offended that he thought my party didn't go well.

"That last party was fun!" Sirius says.

"Beside the fact the James got slipped a love potion," Remus points out. Realization hits me and Sirius as we remember what had happened. "It ended also with a huge mess of trash and passed out people."

"There weren't any people passed out!" Sirius exclaims.

"That's because Lily and I cleaned everything up before we woke you up!" Remus says. "And Lily! I bet you if it hadn't been a party, and she hadn't been distracted, she would've smacked the life out of McLaggen for—"

"Hold on," I say, narrowing my eyes. "McLaggen? What does he have to do with Lily?"

"Right, I never even told you all what happened because of all the love potion action," Remus points out.

"Something happened? What happened?" Sirius asks.

"Well, apparently, McLaggen, the piece of shit, kissed her, and I think she was so distracted by you, James, she didn't see it coming, and she didn't react in the way she would've had she not been distracted. She did push him off, though," Remus answers. It takes me a moment to contemplate this, but then I throw off the covers and shoot out of bed.

"What?" Sirius and I exclaim in unison.

"And Lily was kind of upset the morning after the party, but it didn't seem like she was quite grasping the fact that he kissed her without consent," Remus goes on. "Might've been the alcohol, or the distractions, or something, but I made sure she knew that what McLaggen did was not okay."

I start to make my way to the door to whoop some McLaggen arse, but I feel an arm hold me back.

"Hold your horses there, mate. You've got a date to prepare for. Let me do the dirty work while you and Evans are away snogging. Kapeesh?" Sirius says. I don't answer. "I'll take care of McLaggen. You take care of your girl."

"Fine," I say through clenched teeth. I then turn to Remus. "So you knew about this. And you didn't tell us sooner?"

"I didn't because, oh I don't know, I was slightly distracted from the fact that we had to cure you of your love potion and go find Lily," Remus answers.

"Fine. Fine." I finally say.

"Well? Are we gonna get you dolled up, or what?" Sirius asks with a smirk.

~ ~ ~

I pace back and forth across the room after an hour and a half of picking my outfit. We had decided on a short sleeve red shirt with a snitch and Chudley Cannons in yellow-gold lettering on it. I was wearing some blue jeans and old red tennis shoes.

Sirius was hovering around me, waving some cowboy boots in my face.

"Come on! It'll be so cool and country! I mean, not everyone can just pull cowboy boots off, but I'm sure you'll be able to!" Sirius begs. "Now, I obviously can."

I roll my eyes. "For the last time! I'm not wearing those!"

~ ~ ~


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