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"I'm sorry about the other day." Kageyama tells me as we walk out of school together.

Since neither of us had practice, we decided to hangout a little bit after school.

"Don't worry about it. I just didn't know you guys would actually rumble with each other." I admits.

"I didn't know you could throw such a punch." He rubs the side of his face for a band aid is because of my hit yesterday.

I felt slightly embarrassed from having to show them that side of me, but it is what it is.

"Where are we going anyways?" We've been walking for about 10 minutes now. Once we turn the corner I see it. "Kiddie Volleyball Class? Did I hit you that hard."

He slightly laughs and we enter the place.

Yikes, there's a lot of kids around here. Too many, way too many.

Kageyama even managed to make one cry.

"Toru, I want to learn how to serve!" I hear a little kid ask.

No. No. No.

"Shh, not so loud. It's rude." Only one dickhead sounds like that.

"O-Oikawa?" Kageyama says. Just as surprised as I am. Oikawa looks annoyed at him and goes into his smug pose. "Oikawa, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here with my nephew." He tells us. The little dude announces himself, and he doesn't look one bit like him. He seems to soften up once he looks at me. "Hey sweetheart."

"Oikawa." I give him my impressed tone.

He's introduced me to his niece before. He's a handful, but I didn't know he's done this with him too.

"What about practice?" Kageyama continues to ask him.

"We almost always have Monday's off." He tells him, going back into his stupid smug position.

"A day off every week? Who does that?" Kageyama questions as Oikawa starts to walk past us.

"I'm not ditching, just taking a break. Bye." He tried to leave but Kageyama didn't let him.

"Oikawa, wait!" Kageyama calls for him.

He turns around and makes his stupid face he thinks is intimidating, when really it's not.

He pulled the bottom of his eye down and stuck his tongue out while doing a weird thing with his hand.

His nephew and I both gave him a concerning look.

"You see this little man! What do you think of this loser?" He kept wailing his fingers around like it's doing anything. "Stupid!"

"I haven't even said anything." Kageyama states. "Oikawa."

"Sorry pal, I don't speak stupid." He kept making that dumb face but stopped the moment Kageyama bowed.

Even I was surprised by it.

"Oikawa please, listen to what I have to say." Kageyama begged.

"Why should I listen to you, Mr. Prodigy. We're supposed to be enemies, remember?" He takes Takeru and starts walking off again.

"Please Oikawa, it's important. Come back!" Kageyama stills asks while bowing. Oikwaw continues to walk away which makes Kageyama start to quiver. He breaks into a sprint up the steps they went on and shouted, "LISTEN TO ME NOW!"

I slowly followed behind.

By the time I reached the top, Takeru was taking a pic of Oikawa posing in front of Kageyama.

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