I begin to walk a little further away from the group as they continue discussing.

Holy crap. Nekoma. Kuroo.


"You know I was kind of digging you the first time we met." Kuroo catches me off guard. I look at him and he was just looking at the sky, but then he looked directly at me with those cat like eyes. "But then I realized, you got the hots for your setter."

"I-I wha-what." I feel myself turning bright red again.

"Cat got your tongue?" He starts laughing at his horrible joke. "Oh, I'm so funny. Well, it was nice meeting you. Hopefully, next time our paths cross, you and him are together by then. Or else I might have to swoop in myself. Bye now."

He walks away from me and goes to Kenma.

Who does this man think he is?

Assuming I have feelings for a person after merely just meeting me.

Plus, he's obviously wr-wrong. I d-don't like Kageyama.

I don't like him.

{End of Flashback}

I find myself looking at Kageyama once I come back to reality.

Well, we aren't together. Yet, neither Kageyama and I have ever been in a relationship.

Not saying I want to be in one. But- UGH!

I don't even know what I want or don't.

"Hey sis." Daichi gets me out of thought and I notice the boys are already cleaning up. "So, I don't mind if you come with us and I don't think anyone else will. But, Takeda still needs to clear us before you're involved in the talk. I'm sure we'll find a way though."

He gives me a smile and walks away from me.

Honestly, I'm not sure if it's even for the best if I go. All it would do is give me more practice.


I walk through the halls with my headphones on. But my music is disturbed by other people talking more than usual.

I look up and see a familiar ginger talking with Kiyoko.

What's she doing here?

"Hey Padema." She greets me. I wave back and glance around, I guess these people have never seen Kiyoko. "I was asking Hinata here if he knows any first years who isn't signed up with a club. I'm trying to find a new manager for when I have to leave."

"Why can't Padema be manager? She'd be a perfect fit!" Hinata seemed to be nervous about talking with Kiyoko, he doesn't even realize he's shouting.

"I'm in a club already." I remind him. It sure doesn't feel like it.

"Oh yeah." He gets all blue and walks away from us and back into his class.

"Well, I'm not familiar with anyone not in a club at the moment, but I'll tell you if I see someone." I tell her.

"Okay, thanks." She starts walking away from me and I see everyone has their eyes on her.

She must live a great life.


Captain cancelled afternoon practice today, so I guess I get to do conditioning with the boys.

Luckily, running is one of my specialties.

Daichi was getting everyone to run in pairs, but it was uneven with me there so he just let me run with him and Noya.

Honestly, the hill wasn't bad. I kind of jogged it, no matter how much my brother told me to push myself.

He was the one lagging behind.

"Where's Hinata and Kageyama?" Daichi asks out of breath when we reach the stop where the rest of the team is.

"Those two idiots ran past. Too focused competing to even know where they're going." Tanaka points at the uphill slope that continued on the road.

"Padema?" Daichi gives me his begging eyes and held his hands together. "Please?"

I groan and start running up the hill.

How the hell does he expect me to find them that easily? Miyagi Prefecture is huge, so I don't expect myself to fine them-

You've got to be kidding me.

"You got a head start Kageyama!" I hear the faint voice of Hinata complaning.

I look down the hill I'm standing on and see those a little figure crossing the street.

A little guy with red hair. Hinata.

I start to sprint down the hill and nearly lose my balance.

Where the hell are these idiots going?

When I cross the street I see another hill I have to climb over and once I finish that I see Hinata, Kageyama and a third figure running in the far distance.

In the further distance I see something else, Shiratorizawa.

So that's where they're heading.

I jog my way over there, pacing myself before I could throw up.

It's nice outside. I should go out more often.

Maybe I should take up morning runs, even for the day I don't have practice with, ugh, Oikawa.


Holy moly, this school is HUGE.

They have everything. Even sign posts. If I wasn't familiar with the word of this school, I would've mistaken this place as a college campus.

Something catches my eye once I get close to the volleyball gym.

A person, two of them, in the air. I peak around the corner and see Hinata land on his feet then stand next to Kageyama.

"Hey you two! What do you think you're doing here, you can't be here without permission!" I see a janitor from the side yell at Hinata and Kageyama.

I give him a little wave then grab the two boys' shirt from the back.

"Let's go." I order them.

They say their final words and leaves but, I stay for a second longer.

The third figure was Wakatoshi Ushijima.

"I've watched you play before, you're a fantastic ace." My words seem to have surprised him. I bow before leaving. "I'm sorry for the trouble my team may have caused."

"You ran all the way here?" Hinata asks me once I catch up with them. I smack them both in the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"We are all running back."

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