Darrel rolled his eyes and said annoyed "whatever!"

Lola and I were snickering at the two of them as the bell ring to go to class. I said bye to Cole and Darrel. Then Lola and I walked to our first period class which is world history.

"I think Mr. Clark is absent today" Lola mentioned.

"Oh thank god! I couldn't take listening to another one of his boring lecture about world war one" I said honestly.

She chuckled and said "Me too!"

Since we had a easy going substitute he didn't care what we did. So for the entire period I was talking to Lola. When the bell ring I said good bye to Lola and headed to my bio class.

We were watching a documentary on the animal kingdom but due to the movie being about as exciting as watching paint dry I feel asleep.

I woke up when the bell ring and I quickly walked to my algebra class before I'm late. I had Cole in my Algebra class and for the entire period we were coping notes about the Pythagorean Theorem.

"Hey are you ok?" Cole asked concerned.

I yarned and reply "Yeah! I'm just tired."

"No I'm talking about your break up with Cree?" he explained.

"Well I still love her and I was actually planning to talk to her after school so we can get back together" I said honestly.

He nodded his head and said "Oh... well I hope everything works out between you two."

I smiled and said "Thanks."

I'm gonna need all the luck in the world to patch things up with Cree so we can be together again. We finish copying notes until the bell rings.

I put away my notebook in my backpack and went to wood shop class. I sat next to Darrel and we continued working on our projects. I was building a bird house and Darrel was making a rocking chair. He started to talk about something but I was zoned out.

I was busy thinking about what pushed Tuesday over the edge to humiliate Ned in front of the whole school. From what I gather everyone agrees that Ned deserves to be publicly humiliated.

But what makes me very curious is what Ned did to Tuesday. From what I seen so far Tuesday is a laid back person so it's sorta hard for me to imagine her doing all of this to Ned.

"Hello earth to Milo! Are you listening?" Darrel asked annoyed.

"Nope... not really" I admitted.

He rolled his eyes at me and said "I was asking if you had fun at the party yesterday."

I snorted at him and sarcastically "Oh yeah how could I forget! The highlight of my evening was when I almost got arrested."

"Oh sorry! I heard about the cops crashing the party but I escaped before they could catch me" he mentioned.

"Gee thanks for the warning" I said sarcastically.

"If I went back in I could've risk getting arrested too" he said logically.

"You could've text me" I said obviously.

"Oh sorry dude" he said sheepishly.

"Honestly I wonder sometimes if you use your brain" I muttered.

When class was over I was gonna head to lunch with Darrel but Mr. Shaman my wood shop teacher stopped me.

"Milo can you do me a favor and take this book back to the library" he asked politely.

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