Ch:5 Dinner with the In-laws

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(Tuesday's Pov)

As soon as I enter the house, there was a strong scent of food that filled the air. I follow the scent with my nose and end up in the kitchen. I saw Lynn preparing dinner and whatever she's making smells good.

"Hi" I said cheerfully.

Lynn jumps and drops her spoon on the floor. She turned around and said "Oh Tuesday! It's just you."

"Sorry if I startle you" I apologized.

"It's fine. But why are you here so early? Dinner doesn't start for another fifteen minutes" she asked.

"Oh I was wondering what we're eating for dinner since the food smells so delicious" I lied. I was really hiding from Milo because he's trying to get me back for staying for dinner.

Lynn smiles at me and said "Well what you're smelling is my famous three cheese beef lasagna for dinner." That sounds yummy!

But there's something on my mind that has been bugging me that I wanna ask Lynn. I watched as she picks up the spoon from the floor and chuck it in the sink. Then she continued to finish making the lasagna.

I started to laugh and asked "So you thought I was Milo's new girlfriend?"

She chuckle a little and admit "Yup! I thought you were but I guess he'll never get over Cree."

"Who's Cree?" I inquired curiously.

"Milo's ex-girlfriend" she reply.

I looked at Lynn confused because back at the motel Milo told me he has a girlfriend. "Wait... he told me he has a girlfriend" I mentioned.

She puts the lasagna in the oven and explain "Well Milo keeps saying he loves her and she loves him but in reality he's in denial over the breakup."

I nodded my head slightly but asked curiously "How long have they been together?"

"Umm... about two months and a half but it's his first girlfriend" Lynn added in. Wow... that's gotta hurt pretty bad if the person you love doesn't love you back.

My thoughts got interrupted when a man came into the kitchen with Milo by his side.

"Hi honey! We're having guess joining us for dinner" Lynn mentioned.

The older looking man turn and smiles brightly at me. "Hi I'm Frank, Milo's dad and you're...." he said while extend his hand.

I just had another brilliantly idea that was going to annoy the crap out of Milo and possibly make him mad.

"Hi I'm Tuesday! Your son's new wife" I introduced myself while shaking his hand.

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