i got me a college girl

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title: college girl - travis porter

billie's POV


"i miss my wife" i groan and flop onto the couch. "we know billie, that's all you talk about. we all miss elle so shut up" claudia rolls her eyes and throws a pillow at me. i flip her off and tap my bracelet rapidly until i get a text from elle. 

ellie bean 👑💕

does your clingy ass need something?

i miss you 😞

i miss you too bear but i'm busy right now

i might be able to facetime you later though

just facetime me now, i know you're just

working on the short film. i want to watch

you work


i get a call from elle and answer it immediately. "ellie bean" i sing and roll until i'm on my stomach. "hey bil" she smiles and props her phone up so she can continue writing without having to hold it. "how's it going?" i ask. "i'm getting by. i miss my wife though" she frowns. "that's all you fuckin talk about oh my god" a voice gags. "bro is that elizabeth" i joke and giggle. "jess come here" elle orders, pulling a girl over and into the frame. "bil, this is jess. she sits by me in one of my classes. jess this is my wife billie" she introduces us. "oh this is the girl you told me about?" i ask. "you're telling your wife about me? cute" jess giggles. "i tell billie everything, obviously i told her about the fuckin seventeen year old that's in my class" she rolls her eyes. "isn't your group like six people? where's everyone else?" i ask. "they're having an orgy in our room" she answers nonchalauntly. "bitch the fuck?! get them out!" i yell and furrow my eyebrows. "i'm kidding god! they're getting food to bring back" she laughs. "how do i fucking know that?" i grimace. "take me to our room" i demand with a giggle. "i mean okay but you're just going to see a fucking room" she shrugs. she stands up and grabs her phone before walking to our room. she flips the camera and shows our room once she gets there. "see? no orgy" she tells me before walking back to the kitchen. "i think i should tell you, elle never stops talking about you. we'll be in class and she'll just take out her phone and start looking at pictures of you" jess informs me with a small laugh. "my wife do be cute doe" i smile.

i talk to them for a little longer until the rest of elle's group shows up. "billie, trust me i don't want to get off the phone but they're not going to pay attention to our work at all. they're just going to want to talk to you and they're fucking locals. i love you so much. i'll call you later" she rushes in a whisper and hangs up. i tap my bracelet four times and put my phone in my pocket. i hear a knock on the door and open it to reveal finneas. "we gotta go" he tells me. "oh. okay" i nod. "what's wrong?" he asks. "i just miss elle, that's it" i shrug. "i'm sorry. i miss elle too" he frowns and hugs me as we walk backstage. 

more than a girlfriend - billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now