at least i'm in good company

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title: shelter - finneas

elle's POV


we're in the green room right now and billie is getting her hair done and stuff. i've taken this as an opportunity to address wedding invitations. "i really wish i could help you but i have to go to sound check. once i get back i'll help. dad says he will come get you when it's time to play unforgettable and claudia says she is more than happy to help you if you need anything." billie explains. "don't worry about it babe, just focus on giving them the best day of their lives. have fun at sound check" i tell her and kiss her before she walks out. "i love you" she shouts from the hallway. "i love you too" i yell back. 

i facetime elizabeth as i continue going through invitations and she entertains me. they let me play music while i work so that was nice of them. "bro, i just addressed an invitation to my wedding to khalid!" i exclaim. "oh my god, does that mean that if he comes then i get to meet him?" she asks hopefully. "definitely" i nod. "look, this one is yours" i sing as i show her the invitation that says her name in calligraphy. "yay" she claps. "where's everyone else?" i ask. "mum is at work and madison is out with emily. they asked if i wanted to come but you told me to expect a call from you so i decided to stay home" she explains. "that's so sweet. thank you" i smile and put my hands over my heart. 

about half an hour later billie comes back from soundcheck and picks up one of the extra calligraphy pens. she goes to the next name on the list and writes it on the practice piece of paper. "you're so good at calligraphy elle" she says as she struggles. "you just gotta practice more. and it's all in the wrist, you're thinking to much about it. you just gotta let it flow" i explain and write another name on an envelope. "here's an idea, you write names on the envelopes, i'll put invitations into them and seal them" she suggests. "alright, sounds good" i agree. i'm taking the invitations quite seriously, it just seems to take my mind off of the problems at home. i even got one of those wax stamp sealer things for them. i teach billie how to use it and write the next name on an invitation. billie pours a small  amount of wax on the point of the seal after putting the invitation in it and looks over at me. "is that good?" she asks. i look at it and nod. she presses the stamp to it and places it in the pile. 

we do this for another half hour and patrick comes in. "sorry to take you away from this, but it's time to start" he explains. "i am so sorry. i'll help you on the bus if you're still not done. i love you so much" she says quickly. i stand up and hug her, pecking our lips together. "it's alright bil. go have fun, don't worry about me. i love you too" i tell her. she hugs me one more time before her and patrick jog out. i play the music slightly louder due to the sound of the crowd and the now empty green room fills with sound. several seconds later claudia comes in and sits down next to me. "here, let me help" she orders. "do you want to take billie's old job?" i ask without looking up from the envelope i'm writing on. "sure. my mom taught me how to do this when i was like eight" she giggles. "nice" i give her a small smile as i cross the name off of the list and start on another. "are you alright elle? you seem stressed" claudia asks, putting her hand on my arm. "i'm alright. it's just a lot right now. i don't get why that bell-end mark had to schedule the tour right now." i sigh, putting the pen down. "it's okay elle. you can do this. we're all here to help you." she tells me, pulling me into a hug. "thank you" i say and hug her back. "okay we just lost like two minutes" i clap and continue writing names. i raise the music volume a little and try to cheer up. i dance along with it as i write one of the names and claudia dances with me. "see? this is fun" she smiles. "yeah, you're right" i agree. 

patrick runs in and gestures for me to come with him. i grab claudia's hand and pull her with me because obviously she needs a break as well. someone on the stage crew hands me a mic and finneas grabs a stool. he puts his arm around me and side hugs me as we walk out onto the stage. he kisses the top of my head and puts the stool down. i hug him tightly and he hugs me back. "i love you elle, you're doing great. i'm here for you. we all are." he tells me only loud enough for me to hear. "i love you too finn." i respond and walk over to billie. "are you alright?" she asks in a worried tone. "yeah, i'm all good. i just need a hug" i explain. she stands up from the piano bench and hugs me, making me fall apart. "we'll be right back" billie tells everyone and pulls me off stage. "hey, hey. it's okay. i know. it's okay" she comforts me and rubs my back. tears pour out of my eyes and i hold onto her tighter. "i don't even know why i'm crying" i sniffle, trying to laugh it off. "you're just stressed honey. and that's okay. everybody gets stressed sometimes. you just can't let it build up like this." she responds. "i know" i nod. she wipes my tears away and kisses my nose. "you're alright." she tells me. "yeah. i'm okay. i'm good" i nod, trying to convince myself that's the truth. 

once i calm down we walk back out to the stage and i sit on the bench next to her instead of the stool. "WE LOVE YOU ELLE!" the entire arena shouts in unison. i look over and see finneas smiling. i turn to the crowd and put my hands over my heart. i hug myself and they all 'aw' in response. i blow them a kiss and sit back down next to billie. she starts playing and nudges me. "you start" she orders in a whisper. i nod and she smiles a little. "unforgettable, that's what you are" i sing and boop billie's nose, making the crowd cheer. "unforgettable, though near or far." i continue. "like a song of love that clings to me, how the thought of you does things to me" billie adds, kissing my cheek as she plays. "never before has someone been more, unforgettable in every way" we sing in unison. "and forever more, that's how you'll stay" billie continues. "that's why darling, it's incredible that someone so unforgettable thinks that i am, unforgettable too" just hearing billie sing in general does things to me. but hearing her sing the song we label as "ours" is one of the most beautiful things in the world. i force myself to hold back tears and she continues to sing. "can you sing the rest of it?" i ask in a whisper, getting a nod in response. i lay my head on her shoulder and wrap my arms around her torso. she leans her head on top of mine and sings through the rest of the song. "i love you so fucking much bil. never forget that." i tell her, trying to keep my voice down, and kiss her lovingly. i seem to melt into it and she hugs me once we pull away. "i love you one billion times more." she says quietly. i bury my face in her neck and she keeps her arms around me tightly.

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