dreaming of a time

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title: when i was older - billie eilish and finneas

billie's POV


"mark, please. i'm getting married for god's sake" i beg. right now i'm on the phone with mark trying to convince him to push the tour a few months so elle and i can get married on the date we chose and be able to go on our honeymoon. "i get that but summer shows are where our money is" he argues. "it's not about money to me! it's about being able to marry my fiance!" i yell. "billie, this is final." he tells me. "please. hear me out here.  july 1st through october 31st. i'll do a halloween show if that's what it takes." i compromise. "think about what you're saying billie. you want to give up all the money we'd make from those june shows. that's ridiculous!" he laughs. "okay, okay. i'm looking at the show list here and it says june 1st to july 28th and then august 11th to september 19th" i say. "so why not just move the break to june 19th to july 3rd and then i'll make up the shows in between then and september 19th. we haven't posted the dates yet so it'll be easy to change them." i offer. "obviously you're going to get your parents involved if i don't say yes and i'd really rather not be fired. i've done the math and you're right, the breaks are the same. i guess that'll have to work." he sighs. "yes! yes! thank you so much! you will no regret this! i was considering not letting you come to the wedding for a hot minute there, but you just earned your spot back" i exclaim and jump up and down happily. "thank you billie. there is a meeting tomorrow to talk about our plans for the tour. either you can come down to california or we can just skype you in. we'll talk soon." he laughs. "wait, maybe elle can come on the road with us?" i ask hopefully. "i don't see why not" he answers. "fantastic! thank you so much! i'll see you later" i say with the same smile on my face. 

"elle! i did it! i did it!" i shout and run to elle, hugging her tightly. "you got it moved? fuck yeah!" she smiles widely and hugs me back. "well, it was really hard to do but i got a break between june 19th to july 3rd. if we move the wedding to the 25th i think we'll be perfect. and maybe you can come on the road with me. mark says he's fine with that, we just need your mom's permission and my family's." i suggest. "fuck yeah! i love tour!" she claps. "we can plan while driving and any free time we get" i tell her. "hell yes! i'm so ready for this!" she smiles widely and hugs me again. she presses her lips to mine and we both seem to melt into it. i deepen it and she pulls me closer to her. "what time is it?" i ask. she takes out her phone and shows me. "only 5 more hours, we can do it" she groans. "fuck. okay, we can." i agree.

i take out my phone and call finneas. he answers almost immediately and i tell him about the conversation with mark. "that's fantastic! i guess claudia and i really lucked out, we decided on a winter wedding" he laughs. "wE DeCiDeD oN a WiNtEr wEdDiNg" i mock him. "i'm hanging up" he groans. "shut the fuck up and stay on the phone." i roll my eyes. "fine. so is elle coming with us?" he asks. "i mentioned it to mark and he says he's fine with it. elle says she'd love to come, is claudia going with as well?" i ask. "yep. i'm sure it'll be nice for elle to have her there with her when we're on stage and shit. i know she gets nervous" he answers. "yeah, i hope this tour goes much better than the last one" my smile disappears at the thought of what happened last tour. "i'll talk to you later, i better call dad and make sure he's okay with elle coming with us" i tell him. "alright, love you" he responds. "love you too" i say and hang up. 

after talking to mom and dad i lay next to elle and hug her. "did you talk to your mom?" i ask. "yep, she said and i quote 'elle, you're 19. i don't have control over what you do anymore but make sure to be safe and have fun.'" she tells me. "perfect, claudia is coming on the road with us as well so that should be fun" i explain. "yeah. i'm excited" she smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. i lift her chin up so she's looking at me and kiss her. "i'm so glad i don't have to be without you for several months. that sounds like absolute torture" i laugh. "me too" she says, keeping the same smile on her face. 

more than a girlfriend - billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now