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title: toxic - kehlani

amelia's POV


okay so i know i said i was going to wait and see if thomas texted any of the girls again before i went to the authorities but that was a lie. i just didn't want to worry elle more than she already was. she's dealing with a lot right now with the wedding planning and her novel, not to mention her other novel is being made into a movie and she has to go to the stage almost every day. it's just a lot for her right now, i can tell. 

"hello officer jacobs, fantastic to see you" i greet him as i walk through the door of the police station. "amelia, you look lovely as always. how're your girls doing? wait, how are you doing?" he asks. "i'm going to be straight with you, thomas has been texting my girls so obviously my stress level is through the roof." i explain. "do you have the number?" he asks. "yeah" i nod and take out my yellow notepad.

i love yellow notepads, they're so much more convenient than other notebooks, plus they look cuter.

focus amelia

right, right.

i hand him the notepad and he types it into the computer. "thank you amelia, let me know if you hear anything else. i can tell you're stressed so i suggest going home and taking it easy" he says with a small smile. "thank you, it was great to see you." i tell him. "as it was to see y- i'm just going to say ditto. i thought i could be proper or something but it didn't work. i'll see you around." he sighs. "i'll you see you later officer" i laugh and walk out. 

i get back to the house and sit down at the piano, playing the first melody that comes to mind until i get a text message. i pick up my phone and see james' name.

james ❤

Hello Amelia, I hate to bring this
to your attention as I've tried to
avoid it for quite some time.

Andrew is  telling me your daughter
Elle has harassed him and made out

with her fiance right in front of him
as a game?

Do you know anything about this?

What? No I had no idea

He says it was just yesterday when we
went mini golfing

I'll have to have a chat with her

Thank you for telling me.

i groan and put my phone in my pocket, hitting my head against the keys of the piano. 

i knew this would happen.

 i knew she'd try to drive him away as well. 

well, they did just get engaged. maybe they're in that stage

i'll have to give her the benefit of the doubt.

i trudge up to elle's room and knock on the door, hearing her tell me to come in soon after. i find her and billie laying on her bed and watching a movie. "what's this about?" i ask, showing her my phone. "listen, we were just playing a little game with him. i didn't assume he'd tell his father. if anything he was harassing us! he kept asking if there was quote 'room for a third'. he came in his pants for god's sake!" elle defends. "god this just adds to my plate." i sigh and rub my temple. "i'm sorry mum. if it helps i have been nothing but pleasant to james." she tells me. "i know. he says you're lovely, both of you. all of you." i say, sitting down on her bed and running my hand through my hair. after several seconds i clap my hands and clasp them together before standing up. "thank you for telling me your side." i say and exhale before walking out.

i don't want to deal with all of this today.


a/n: if any of you would like to drop girlfriend applications, i'll treat you like billie treats elle 👀

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