suit and tie

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title: blank space - taylor swift

billie's POV

skip to june 20th because i have absolutely no idea what else to write about*


we're finally home and so dad, finneas and i are going to get my suit. mom and claudia are both staying home to help elle pick out a dress. we get to the suit store and look around for a little bit. "i think i want to go either traditional or red. maybe white actually." i explain as we walk around. elle and i decided our wedding colors would be white, pink and red and it was pretty much just based on the flowers i chose. "i think you'll look amazing it whatever you choose. i'm so happy for you billie" finneas says with a wide smile and puts his arm on my shoulders. "i love when you guys get along" dad giggles from behind us. "we always get along dad" finneas furrows his eyebrows. "exactly! i love it" he laughs.

i finally find my suit and i call elle. she picks up instantly and i smile when i hear her voice. "hello love, how's it going?" she answers. "it's great. i finally picked one out, we just need to get dad and finneas's suit. we talked about rainbow pocket squares right?" i ask. "yeah by the way, claudia came up with the best idea. you know how at most weddings the bridesmaids have matching dresses? she suggested that they all had the same dress but in different colors of the rainbow" elle explains. "that sounds great but it's really your call. i'm positive whatever you choose will be fantastic" i say as i follow finneas around the store. "alright. i gotta go but i love you. i'll see you when you get home." she tells me. "i love you more" i smile and hang up before she can say otherwise. "i think this one. what do you think?" finneas asks, putting a suit up to his body. the suit looks like something out of the 70s and he's smiling goofily. "perfect" i laugh. he puts it back and we continue looking.

once we have everything i text elle and tell her i'm on my way home. i take one last look at my suit and smile before zipping it back up. i make a groupchat with all the "bridesmen" as elle calls them and send a text.

bridesmen.... and women 👔🎩

hey guys, thought i'd check
and make sure you can all
make it. don't worry about
pocket squares btw, i gotchu

also, maybe rainbow bowties 👀

just a suggestion

holy shit i get to be a bridesman?
i completely forgot about that! i get to
wear a bowtie?! fuck yeah

can't wait


i shall be making an appearance in apurple bowtie.

let me rephrase, only a purple bowtie


wouldn't miss it for the world. andrenzell...... i call green

soooooo excited

green is mine malik. i will in fact
fight a bitch for it.

i'll be there:D

i got red btw

i want blue

i'm being forced to come

but as the best man, i get the red

first of all that's what she said

second of all, finn you get a bow tie
with rainbows all over it because
as you said, you're the best man.

fuck yes

i laugh and see finneas smiling down at his phone as he giggles.


damn it finneas. i'll take yellow

okay, let me get this straight.

finneas: rainbow
zoe: yellow
zaya: red
d'andre: blue
drew and malik: fighting for green
and renzell: purple

malik, i'm sorry but drew will 100%
fight a bitch for green so you're gonna
have to take orange

god damn it drew:(


billie loves me more than sheloves you 😜🖕🏼

i never said that

all i'm saying is i don't want you to get
your ass kicked for a fucking bowtie which
she will end up ripping off of your neck if you

he wouldn't win

the fuck i wouldn't

let's go right now

wait.... at the wedding

you guys are not fighting at my wedding.

ellie would be pissed

ou wouldn't hurt a girl would you?

you're not a girl to me though


okay, i'll see you guys in a few days

i'm going to make a group chat without billie
but only us, let me know if you aren't in it in
the next five minutes

i see how it is finn. you're just gonna talk shit
about me:(

no! that's not it! we're planning your party

oh, then it's okay. imma bounce ✌

i put my phone in my pocket and watch as finneas stares down at his phone for the rest of the drive home. i try to peek at the messages to find out what they're going to do but he moves his phone away too quickly. "it'll ruin the surprise" he says, moving so he's against the door and i can't see his phone at all. "iT'Ll rUiN tHe SuRpRiSe" i mock him. he flips me off and i put my hand over my mouth. "you've been uninvited" i sing. "to my wedding. if you didn't pick up on that" i explain. "no, i'm sorry" he apologizes quickly, dropping his phone in his lap. i try to grab it and he starts tickling me so i let go of it. i laugh loudly and he finally stops when we reach the house.

i jog inside and immediately take my suit into finneas's room, hiding it in his closet before elle sees me. "i'm leaving this here so elle doesn't see it." i explain as he walks in. "got it" he nods. "alright, cool" i give him a thumbs up and walk to my room. i knock on the door and hear people shuffling around inside. "don't come in." elle yells. "i've seen you change before ellie" i laugh. "you can't come it, i'm in my dress" she explains and i hear more shuffling. "oh, okay. i'll be in the kitchen" i lie and try to open the door a little but it's locked. "liar!" elle shouts with a small laugh. "i love you" i suck through my teeth and she giggles. "i love you too, but you can't see the dress for another five days. that's wedding rules" she tells me. "damn." i sigh. 

i cannot wait to see her in that dress. i don't know what it looks like, but i know she's going to look beautiful.

more than a girlfriend - billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now