better off without them

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title: xanny - billie and finneas

elle's POV


here's the thing about how fucked up what father said was. elizabeth was born a boy but figured out she didn't want to be one when she was about ten or eleven. we changed her name to elizabeth and got her estrogen pills. we let her buy all new clothes and called the school to make sure that if anyone got her name wrong or made fun of her to get the person in trouble. we took it very seriously and were very supportive about it. father had no idea about it until now when he saw her instagram. he was decent enough to not bring it up until now. 

"he called me elijah bernard." she explains through sobs. "liz, does mum know?" i ask and she shakes her head. "do you want me to tell her?" i ask, getting a nod in response. "alright. i'll message her right now." i say and move to messages. "do you think she'll be mad?" she asks. "at you? no. at father? absolutely." i answer as i type. 


father called liz "elijah bernard"

this is getting out of hand and you
 must go to the authorities.

got it. is she alright?

she's crying, i'd go up there if i were
you. definitely bring her some snacks.

will do

i go back to facetime and see elizabeth has turned her camera off. "i know it's difficult right now, but mum is going to the authorities." i tell her. "okay." she sniffles. "by the way, mum is going to be very upset but don't be frightened. if she gets bad again, go into my room and into my closet. there is a huge wrapped canvas that i want you to give to mum. say it's from all of us." i explain. "what is it?" she asks. "it's-" i start but i hear the door open and cut myself off. "i'll tell you later" i whisper. "got it" she responds. "okay. mum do you got this?" i ask. "yeah." mum's voice answers. "okay. call me if you need me. i love you too so much." i tell them. "i love you too" they say in unison and i hang up. i know i shouldn't have done that but it's too much to handle right now. there's just a lot going on. 

"you don't have to answer, but what was that about?" joseph asks once i lower the window thing. "my sister is in the process of transitioning as well, our father has been trying to get in contact with us and called her by her former name" i explain, wiping away tears as they form. "that's terrible. i'm sorry she has to go through that" he responds. "thank you. i'll see you tomorrow." i tell him as we reach the house. "have a nice day" he says awkwardly, obviously not knowing what to say. 

i get inside and instantly fall apart. i rush to billie's room and lay down in her bed. she's not laying there, but it smells like her. i don't know where she is because her meeting isn't for another two hours. "elle? are you alright?" i hear a familiar voice ask as light shines through the door. "yeah i-i'm fine maggie." i answer. "oh honey, i can tell that's not the truth." she sighs and shuts the door, walking over to me and rubbing my back as she sits on the bed. i turn around and hug her torso and she kisses the top of my head. "i know sweetie. it's okay. i know." she shushes me soothingly and continues rubbing my back. "you can lay down you know" i tell her. she lays down slightly and hug her again. 

about a half an hour later i hear footsteps running through the house and the door opens. "i got it mom." billie's voice says from the door. maggie kisses my head once again and i give her a small smile. i hear them whisper for a few seconds before maggie leaves and billie lays beside me. "what's going on angel?" she asks, running her fingers through my hair slowly. "father got in contact with elizabeth again. he called her elijah bernard" i explain through sobs. "HE DID WHAT?" she shouts. i can almost feel her blood start to boil as she stiffens. i wrap my arms around her and she seems to calm down a little. i rub her back in circles and she untenses. "fuck him." she says through clenched teeth. "ew, too gay for that shit. and we do not stan incest." i gag. "i love you ellie. so, so much" she laughs slightly and hugs me. "i love you more." i respond. i hear her start to argue but cut herself off. "that's what i fucking thought, bitch" i mumble and she pushes my head playfully. "thank you for cheering me up." i sigh. "that's what i'm here for. always and forever baby" she responds and holds out her ring finger. i link it with mine and repeat what she just said. 

always and forever

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