deadbeat dad fuck off

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title: fuck off - tierra whack

elle's POV


"jesus christ, i thought you were kidding" i groan as i struggle to walk to the bathroom. "i love you" billie giggles from the bed. "if you loved me, you'd get me a heating pad and an ibuprofen. just saying" i respond, finally reaching the bathroom. "you got it mamas" she tells me and i hear her leave.

a few minutes later billie comes back with snacks, a heating pad and ibuprofen. "here baby" she says and hands me the pill, laying the heating pad between my legs. she lays down beside me and kisses me, making me instantly melt into it. "i'm so in love with you" she whispers and wraps her arms around me. "i love you one billion times more. always and forever baby" i respond and hold out my ring finger. she links it with her's and kisses me once again. "always and forever" she repeats.

i take out my phone and go onto pinterest, looking through my wedding ideas board. i actually made it before billie and i started dating and i've been adding to it for years. "i like that one" billie points out one of the dresses. "me too, i just don't know about the lace. you know how much i hate that feeling" i shrug. "i'm going to love whatever you choose" she tells me, kissing my nose. "what do you want to be in charge of?" i ask. "i don't know. i'm willing to help with whatever you want me to" she answers. "okay um.... what kind of flowers?" i ask. "lilies and roses. one hundred percent." she laughs like it's obvious. "aw, you're adorable" i giggle and hug her.

once billie brought my entire family their own bouquet of lilies and roses because she knew we were having a hard week and they're my favorite. she's cute.

"and i think they should be white and pink" she adds. "i assumed" i agree. "but are you thinking white lilies and pink roses or the other way around?" i ask. "god why is planning a wedding so difficult" she whines. "pink lilies and white roses it is" i giggle and search up a picture. "how does that look beautiful?" i ask, showing her the picture. "i like that." she nods, still acting like a child. "okay. you know what? that's all we have to do today, and oh my god we did it. i'm so proud of us" i say and clap. "what about the date?" she asks. "the sooner we are married the better, but we still have a lot of planning to do" i answer. "summer wedding i assume?" she asks. "if that's what you want" i agree. "i do have a lot of shows in the summer, but you're more important" she shrugs. "they'll understand" she waves it off. "june or july?" i question. "wait a second.... what's the date today?" she furrows her eyebrows. "march 18th" i tell her. "then we'd have two or three months to plan. is that enough?" she asks. "i'd say we should do june. i mean, yeah july gives us more time but june is sooner and i think we can do it. we've got a lot of people to help us." i assume. "yeah. probably. near the beginning or end?"

we go through the dates for about an hour and finally settle on june 28th. "perfect. we'll choose the place and shit tomorrow" i say with a yawn and lay down more. "good idea" she agrees, cuddling into me.

after a few minutes of looking through pinterest i get a notification.

unknown number

Congratulations on the
novel sweetheart

This is dad by the way

Let me know how Elizabeth
is doing and if there is
anything I can do

i don't know how you got
this number, but i'm pretty
sure you're not my dad. and
i have no idea who elizabeth
is lol

Cut the shit Eleanor, I know it's

i look over at billie who is clenching my sleeve as she reads through the messages. "what do i say?" i ask. "stick with that whole, i'm not your daughter thing. say you're a dude" she suggests. "good idea." i agree.

who tf is eleanor? my name is

By the way, I will not let my
daughter marry someone of
the same sex. That's disgusting
and I do not support it.

listen bro, i don't know who you
are but i sure as hell do know
that i feel bad for your daughter

You really think Alex wouldn't have
given me your number?

And May

Stop being such a dumbass and admit
that it's you, faggot

"woah! who the fuck does this man think he is?" billie shouts. "go get mum please" i order. "okay" billie nods and rushes out. i decide not to reply until mum is here so i just leave him on read.

Pussy ass bitch, don't leave me on read.

Respond to me like the Bernard you are!

bernard is father's last name. when mum left him, we went back to evans. i used to always correct my teachers that it was evans, not bernard and that my name was elle not eleanor. even when they were still married.

mum runs into the room with billie close behind and i hand her my phone. she reads through the messages with a scowl and i see her start typing.

Leave my family alone or I swear to god I
will get your ass put in jail for a lifetime.

Well hello amelia, lovely to hear from you

"he is utterly disgusting" billie grimaces. "yes, yes he is" i agree.

Need I remind you that my daughters
and I are not Bernards

Stay out of our lives Thomas.

Do not ever text any of us ever again or
I will notify the authorities.

Wow, big bad Amelia. I'm so scared

As I said, stay away from my family

Or the authorities will be brought into



"thank you mum." i sigh. billie hugs me and kisses my cheek. "no problem. if this happens again, let me know." she tells me, kissing the top of my head. i hold onto billie and feel tears build up in my eyes. "i hate that man." i whisper, letting tears slowly slide down my cheeks. "i know baby. it's okay. i know." she shushes me soothingly and strokes her fingers through my hair.

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