My brother Pt 1

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You ran up to your best friend, Kiya, and wrapped arms around her. "Morning Kiya!" She turned towards you and smiled brightly, before looking past your shoulder. She saw the guy in the black Mercedes-Benz waving at you before starting his car. Kiya looked towards you with a confused expression.
"Who's that?" She asked. You looked towards what she was and saw your brothers car. You sighed, smiling.

"That's my brother, he dropped me off, why?"

"You have a brother?"

You weren't supposed to tell anyone.

How did it slip out of my mouth?! Omg I'm so stupid !!


You decided, since you could trust Kiya with everything dependant on your life, you told her, because it's no harm done, she's your best friend and you love her to ends. Vice versa. So you sat down in the library and started the conversation, telling her all the common details. His name, Jungkook, age, 22 and your relation to him, plus that you've stayed with him for two years now.

"Jeon Miyeon!! How come I don't know about him, how come I don't know of his existance?"

"Sorry, it's just that, he didn't wanna be spoken about, and besides, once I graduate, you can meet him" You said reassuring her.

"Why when you graduate?" She asked, curiously.

"Because Jungkook Oppa said that we're on holiday here, and that we aren't actually staying for too long, and when we graduate, we will have our own house,"

"Your parents?" Kiya asked since the topic on Miyeon's parents had never really approached them.

"Jungkook said we'll see them after graduation," Miyeon innocently said, already giddy to see them, as she didn't know she'd be married off if she ever faced her father.

"I don't get it," Kiya groaned, pinching the bridge of her eyebrows.

Miyeon laughed before straightening her posture.
"Ok so, Jungkook said that-"
Kiya cut her off by looking at her with an unfamiliar expression.

"Why the fuck is Jungkook saying everything? Where's your say in all this?" Kiya questioned. To her, travelling with your brother to a foreign country after meeting him 13 years later, not knowing why you're here, almsot seemed like running away to her. She's seen plenty of movies to guess well.

"Hey! Don't swear!" Miyeon whined, not being able to stand swearing. Kiya responded with a mumbled sorry before Miyeon continued, "see the thing is, Jungkook's a very private person, and for that reason, I respect his boundaries, so-"

"What boundaries?! Do you hear yourself right now? He's taken you across the world, and to a place you've never been before! You call that boundaries? I call that kidnap!"

Kiya was interrupted by the shushing of the near students, sending glares toward the two girls, who nervously bowed apologetically.

"Look," Kiya faced Miyeon, a serious expression planted on her face. "I care about you, I really do, and this new information is not do realise that don't you Miyeon?"

Miyeon remained silent, fidgeting with her fingers and nails and not responding to her friend.
"I....I guess" she responded, unsure of her feelings.

Kiya sighed deeply and got up, grabbing both their bags.
"Let's just get to class,"
Miyeon got up and linked arms with Kiya, trying to stay happy and walked out the library, heading to their next class.

Time Skip, After School

Miyeon walked with Kiya to the school gates, her bag loosely hung by her shoulder.
"Meet me tomorrow by the bakery across the road, I have to do some homework,"

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