Hoseok's a Yandere?! Pt. 3

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to see an rather unfamiliar place. I rubbed my eyes and yawned quietly. This is definitely not the police station. The car started coming to halt.

I looked around. No police station in sight.
"Umm where are we? And where's the police station?"
I said. My voice was barely audible. I was still tired.

"We're umm here, and look as much as I hate to do this friendship comes first, he's been my friend over 15 years, he's the absolute best, he's like my brother always there for me, and I hate to do this to you, I don't want to, but I have to, friendship is more important to me,"

Who is he? Thousands of questions raced my mind. Where was I and what was this guy planning on?!

"Look I just wanna go home to my family. I don't wanna be here! I will die here!"
I slightly raised my voice at the man in front of me.

"You won't die. He doesn't have the guts to kill you, hurt you sure but kill you is out of the question,"
He said with a slight smile.

"Who is he?!"

He got out of his side ignoring my question and opened my door.
"I'm not getting out till you tell who he is!"

"Please it's for your own good, I won't let him go too far I promise, I'll be right there,"

I was so confused. Nothing made sense! He held out his hand for me and I didn't want to be rude so I got out. He closed and locked the car and looked forward.

I followed his gaze to the unknown house door which opened quickly. A man in a black hood came out.

His figure was so familiar.

The wind blew taking his hood off.

I whispered.
"It can't be,"

Hoseok was right in front of me. I turned to Namjoon and grabbed his arm.
"We have to run! He's crazy! He needs help!"

Namjoon took my hands off gently.
"That's him, the mystery he,"

"No! Please you can't do this! Please he's going to kill-

Before I knew it someone grabbed my arm and dragged me into the house. We fled down a flight of stairs and what seemed like a basement was shown.

He threw me causing me to fall on the floor.
"You fucking ran away from me! Your gonna pay! You just don't understand do you?! Your mine! If you. Love. Me then none of this would have needed to be necessary! But you've crossed. The. Line."

He spoke threw gritted teeth making it obvious he was crazy. Absolutely insane. Even the best insanity therapist won't be able to bring him back!

"P-please don't hurt me!"
I cried letting my salty tears fall. I heard footsteps and saw Namjoon with a guilty and worried face.

And I realised. He's as insane and evil as Hoseok!

"Hyung maybe-

"Namjoon pass me the whip on the table,"

Namjoon sighed making his way to the table and handing Hoseok the whip.

Hoseok clenched it around his hands with a deadly look.
"Now you will know who is yours!"

"No please DON'T- AAH!!" HOSEO- AAH! PLEAS- AAH!!"
I screamed out an agonising pain which led Namjoon to cover his ears.

Hoseok didn't stop there. He whipped me 2 more times and then told Namjoon to leave.

Married to a Stranger {KTH FF} ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu