ObSeSsEd Pt. 3

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"Y/n? Y/n?! Y/N!!!!!"

Jimin fell down towards Y/n's body. In an urge he looked around. Broken....shattered...destroyed. Please help.


Y/n's body went limp as they dragged her towards the hospital room in a hurry.

"She's not responding, sir, get it ready!"

The doctors attached her to so many equipment pieces. One of the doctors took out the shock equipment and rubbed the it together.

"Charge it to 300!!" The doctors did as told.

"CLEAR!" The doctor pushed the objects into Y/n's chest. It vibrated abruptly, moving her body about.

"No heartbeat doc!!" The nurse shouted.

"Charge it to 360!!"


"No please leave me alone," Y/n whispers. Her voice was barely audible. "What do you want from me? Who are you?" Her tears streamed down her face, her facial expression was completely....off. She was terrified of what was to come.

She stood still. She was in...a void of some sort, it was all black but she could see. There was water on the ground. Her hair was wet. Along with her clear white dress which attached itself onto her skin.

She furiously turned to the left. Then the right, trying to make out where she was.

"Don't you remember me? It's me Y/n," Y/n gasped. Everything stood still and stopped. Slowly but surely she walked towards the voice, trying to disbelieve what she heard.

"J-Jimin? I-is that you?" She said. A gust of wind bolted past her causing her to shudder in the cold. She was cold wet, and the air was the same. She was bare foot, with no place to warm herself up.

Suddenly, two strong arms wrapped themself around her, pushing her towards the warm chest behind her. She had her eyes closed in fear. The arms were wrapped so tight, she thought she'd lose air if they didn't let go.

The arms loosened letting her turn around slowly. Her eyes came across 2 other eyes that stared back at her. An red haired man staring at her. Her eyes grew wider than ever, if gone any bigger they'd pop out.

Her brain malfunctioned as she looked at Jimin.
Whimpering sounds left her throat as she was terrified. Not of Jimin. But of the knife in his hand. And the blood on his shirt. Of the smile on his face.

She couldn't move. She was stuck to her place.

'Come on Y/n. Move. Move. Move for godsakes! Why can't you move! What's stopping me??? Nothing! So why can't I move?!' She thought.

"Something wrong....Y/n?" Jimin slurred out. Y/n's eyes moved to his hand. How he tightly gripped on to the knife, ready to attack. His hands already gone white. He was wet from top to bottom. His white shirt clinging onto his skin as well, showing his perfectly defined abs.

"What do you want from me?" Y/n quietly whispered. Y/n's heart was long gone from her chest. Her lungs stopped working and her body was failing her. The lump in her throat so big, she was already choking on it so quickly.

Jimin let go of the knife causing it to land on the ground with a big 'clang' sound, startling Y/n. Jimin's hands trailed their way onto Y/ns pink cheeks. They cupped her face as Jimin smiled and looked her deeply in the eyes.

"Wake up."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Huh?"


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