New Directions 5x06

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Rachel's POV:

Jessie and Finn got engaged yesterday so the glee club has decided to take matters into their own hands. 

We're planning a glee wedding.

"So, I called all the churches in the area and there's one in Westerville that'll be able to take them tomorrow at noon. Do you think that'd work?" I hold my phone in my hand as I look to Quinn for approval.

"Yeah, I'm still on hold with the resort to see if they have anything for the end of this week into next week" Quinn informs me.

I'm in charge of the whole wedding situation because I thought of the idea. People love having me in charge... I like to think.

"Just how are we gonna get them all the way to Westerville without them knowing what's going on" I ask Santana.

"Maybe we should tell them?" Brittany responds.

"Well maybe you're wrong" I tell Brittany. "God, you're just as bad as Tina"

Jessie's POV:

I walk into the choir room and I see Rachel, Quinn, Brittany and the rest of the girls on their phones and making calls.

"What's goin on?" I ask

"Oh nothing, nothing" Rachel says. "Have you started shopping for a wedding dress yet?" She asks me.

"No we just got-" I try to speak but she interrupts me

"We should go shopping right now!!" Rachel exclaims.

I look over at Quinn who nods as she stands up from one of the red seats.

"I think that's a fantastic idea!" Quinn perks up

"Alright, is everyone coming?" I ask, still sorta confused as to what's happening. 

"If you want"

"Yeah, there's just two people missing" I take out my phone and text Kurt to come and bring Blaine.

"All right, gimme your keys and I'll drive" Santana says putting out her hand and I oblige.

She drives us all to a local wedding dress store in downtown Lima.

"Hello, what can I help you with today?" One of the ladies asks me as I walk in to the shop.

"Uh, I'm engaged and I want to start looking for a dress" I say nervously as the girls stand behind me

"Okay, so, you're young so most young brides really like these styles that we have over here." She directs me over to a section of dresses. "Is there a type of silhouette that you're looking for or any specific details?"

"I was thinking either A-line or like mermaid?" I look to Quinn and she nods, validating my choices.

"Okay, so how about you go get changed into the robe in dressing room number 1 and I'll get some selections for you to try on. And ladies, my assistant will be over in a moment with champagne. You can take a seat on the sofas over near the big mirror"

I walk into the dressing room and change into the blush pink silk robe.

"Here you go" The woman says after she knocks on the door.

The first dress I try on is a strapless chiffon plain white dress.

The first dress I try on is a strapless chiffon plain white dress

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