Britney 2.0 4x02

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The past few weeks, Collin and I have been hanging out a lot. He's taken me on his family's boat, to a vineyard, to Cape Cod, and we've been having a blast.

Surprisingly, I've been missing a lot of classes due to this but I still have straight A's in all of my courses.

I get a knock on my door and I spring up from my bed to see who it is.

Quinn's standing there and I try to shut the door.

"Jess, come on"

"what do you want" I let her in and I go take a seat on the bed.

"What is going on with you?" Quinn asks me.

"What do you mean, I've just been shutting you out. How would you know anything that's going on in my life"

"The school's talking" She says and tries to sit on the bed with me but I decide to lay down before she can take a seat.

"What are you talking about?" I nervously chuckle.

"They say you're sleeping with a teacher to get grades. Why would you do that Jess."

"I'm not sleeping with anyone. And if I were, it's none of their business and absolutely none of yours" I cross my arms.

"Talk to me, please"

"Get out of my room, please" I mock her.

"Fine, but when you get kicked out for this, or people are talking shit about you behind your back. Remember, I warned you"

Ya know what, screw her. This is my life and I can do whatever I want. 

I go to Collin's house and we hang out.

"Want a beer?" He asks as he heads downstairs to presumably the basement.

"Sure" I shrug I don't really like beer, I don't really like alcohol, I mean hard cider's pretty good but other than that...

Collin comes back with two Bud Light cans in his hands.

"Here ya go"


"So, what are your interests?"

"Um, I was in glee club when I was in high school. It was a lot of fun and I figured out I have a love for singing" I say which shocks Collin.

"Wow, wasn't really expecting that honestly. Can you sing me something?"

"Yea, the glee club has these themes that we have to follow for a week. My junior year we did Britney Spears and this week my friend who's a senior said that they're doing it again. So I'll do this"

I decide on Britney's cover of My Prerogative which is kinda iconic. She sang this because the whole world was against Britney's marriage to her first husband so she released this cover to show that she's an adult.

I try to recreate the whole music video, besides the whole driving a Porsche into pool. I decided to wear a white lace one piece underneath my clothes so I reveal that, put my hair in a messy bun and re-enact the music video.

"Wow" Collin stares at me in my lace provocative outfit. "Wow" He repeats.

"Thanks, I think"

"Is there something wrong?"

"Well, the whole University thinks that we're sleeping together. And I'm sleeping with you to pass all my classes" I confess.

"Oh." He breaks eyecontact with me. "It's up to you if you wanna?"

"No way. I have a boyfriend." 

"Then why are you dancing in lingerie to a Britney Spears song, just for me"

★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ ᏞᎥmᎪ★·.·'¯'·.·★Where stories live. Discover now