Tina in The Sky With Diamonds 5x02

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With two engagements, one of them being a top secret, it's a start to the second Beatles week.

I'm standing with Mr. Schue early this morning, waiting for the kids to arrive for the first glee club meeting of the week.

Silence eats both me and Mr. Schue up as we wait for the kids to file through the door.

"Is everything okay?" He asks me, out of the blue right before the late bell rings signalling that there'll be students coming our way.

"Yea, fine. Why?" I ask.

"No reason" He says.  I ignore the weird comment my former teacher just mentioned.

The kids finally come through the door, ending the unusual awkwardness between Mr. Schue and I.

"Ok, everyone take your seats" I say and Mr. Schue runs over to the whiteboard. "This week, is part 2 of Beatles week and we'll be focusing on the experimental years of the group. When they wrote classics to be featured on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Band." I say as Mr. Schue writes 'Beatles P. 2' on the board.

The class is interrupted when Sue comes on the intercom.

"Hello students." She says, "for the first time in McKinley history, we're having a combined prom. Since we can't keep up with who's in what grade and frankly, no one cares. Anyway, the moment you've all been waiting for. Because your lives are so devoid of meaning something like this seems very important. This can't be right. Okay, what the hell do I care, huh" Sue says and then announces that along with other guys, Stoner Brett and Blaine are nominated for prom king. "Okay, now for what you actually care about. Prom queen." Sue mentions some random people I've never heard of and then her words grace everyone's ears. "Kitty Wilde, and Tina Cohen-Chang"

"YES!" Tina screams out in excitement. "This is my chance to be bigger than Jesus!" She gets out of her seat and stands in front of the piano. "Hit it"

Mr. Schue gets out of the way so that Tina doesn't run him over.

She starts belting Revolution but then gets cut off by the bell.

"Oh Come ON!" She says as the kids empty the room.

Sam stays and him and Tina talk. Mr. Schue and I try to mind our own business but Tina dumps Sam as her prom date now that she's nominated for prom queen.

"Okay guys, let's calm down-" I suggest and Tina storms off.

"Just ignore her"

"The thing is, I didn't even wanna  go with her. I'm an attractive guy and she's an unattractive lunatic" Sam blurts out.

"Oh" I step back. "Alrighty then. Well, I hope you find a new prom date" I pat Sam on the back.

"Thanks, me too" He says and then leaves the choir room.

"Well, that's dramatic" I say to Mr. Schue, walking back into the classroom.

"I mean, we are part of the arts" He shrugs.

There's something that sounds like an altercation in the hallway so I excuse myself and step outside the classroom to see Bree pretty much yelling at Kitty about how she needs to campaign for prom queen and not let 'Tina Cohen-Barf' win the election.

Instead of involving myself, I decide to keep out of it and not be that teacher who keeps on meddling. Even though I sorta am that teacher even though I'm not really a teacher.

The day passes by pretty slowly, nothing really eventful happening like things usually do.

There's a tap on my shoulder that I want to ignore but I can't. I turn around and it's non other than Sam Evans. 

★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ ᏞᎥmᎪ★·.·'¯'·.·★Where stories live. Discover now