All Or Nothing 4x19

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After last week's emotional roller coaster, it's time to pull things together for Regionals coming up this week. 

Mr. Schue, Finn, and I are sitting with the kids in the auditorium.

"So, due to an unfortunate circumstance of the Nuntouchables being in the middle of a scandal" Mr. Schue says and everyone looks at each other, Sam holding back a laugh with all the power in his big lips. "We will be hosting the competition at our own home advantage!"

"we need to bring everything we've got guys" I say causing the kids to grow confident.

"Yea, all or nothing" Finn perks up.

I notice Ryder looks out of it, but I try to ignore it and focus on the competition.

"You excited for another show choir competition?" I ask Finn and he laughs.

"Of course I am" He leans on me.

Later, after lunch, Blaine storms into the choir room which is being filled up by the incoming glee members.

"I'm proposing to Kurt" Blaine announces but quickly everyone's attention is diverted to the three seniors strutting into the room.

"WOAHH" I yell, seeing Brittany S Pierce walking in, along with Sugar Motta and Joe Hart.

I run up to her and embrace one of my best friends and I can feel her laughter vibrating onto my ear.

"let's welcome back Sugar, Brittany, and Joe!" Mr. Schue says and everyone claps

"Alright, let's go through the set list.. right?" I ask, taking a piece of paper to which Brittany interrupts me when Mr. Schue's about to start talking.

"I still think we should do My Cup. I think it's a real winner" Brittany smiles and I point my pen at her, as a way of saying it's a great idea but Finn takes away my paper. "Also, I want all of the solos for the rest of the competitions. And I need a latte at least once every period." She snaps. "Sugar, get on that... you're name's sugar so like you should be good at making coffee"

Sam stands up after that.

"You just broke up with me... over text" He says, holding his phone.

"Okay Britt, calm down" Blaine says when everyone has a surprised look on their face.

"I'm just doing what Mr. Schue told us to do... all or nothing" She shrugs

There's lots of tension building in school today. Brittany quit the cheerios and Ryder's refusing to perform if 'Katie' doesn't come forward

Finn and I get home after spending our day dealing with teen drama. I decide to get changed into my Nike sports bra and Adidas sweatpants and run back downstairs and sit on the couch.

"What are we supposed to do about Ryder?" I ask him as he pours both of us a glass of lemonade.

"I don't know but he's really going crazy about this" Finn says, walking over to the couch with my drink and he takes a sip of his.

He turns to TV on and we watch ABC Family together, thinking of what to do about the club.

"Ya know" I say, climbing up off the couch, making things more entertaining than The Waterboy which Finn is fully invested in. "We haven't really fooled around in a while" I smile and Finn laughs at how blunt I'm being.

"Oh really?" Finn cocks an eyebrow at me. 

I sit back on the couch and pretend not to be interested anymore even though I'm dying for his touch. 

I put my legs on his lap and once I feel his hand on my lower thigh, it's like a shock. Lightning even.

One thing leads to another and Finn and I are lying in our bed, nothing but sheets between us.

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