Laryngitis 1x17

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Today has the weirdest feeling. I can't really describe it but something's off. 

My thoughts disappear into oblivion when I walk into the choir room and everyone stares at me. 

"What?" I ask. Everyone looks at Puck. Or at least who I think is Puck. "Woah." I whisper.

"I'm still Puckasorous" Puck says to me.

"Yea buddy, sure you are." I pat him on the shoulder. 

"People had the balls to look me in the eyes today. What's with that." Puck says making everything about himself once again.

"I'm seriously not turned on right now." Santana rolls her eyes at her FWB.

Apparently Mercedes is popular so Puck has been trying to get with her all day. She texted me saying how he used a line about having more curves than a Nissan Ad which I laughed actually out loud at.

We all meet back in glee at the end of the day where Puck leads a bunch of the Jazz band kids in.

"Woah, what's all this?" Mercedes asks.

Puck then performs Lady is a Tramp which was not bad at all might I add.

After he finishes Santana and Mercedes sing a heated version of The Boy is Mine. It was actually insanely good besides all the shoving at the end and Mr. Schue had to break it up.

After this happens, Rachel gets up from her seat.

"So, I would like to perform Miley Cyrus' classic, The Climb which is about obstacles and not letting them get in your way." Brad starts the piano and Rachel's voice is abnormally off key.

I look at Quinn who is cringing from the squawking sound coming from the once very talented Jewish girl. I put my hands over my ears as Kurt looks at me trying not to laugh. 

Mr. Schuester finally ends the misery and tells Brad to stop the piano. 

"Rachel, I think you lost your voice." He rests his hand on the petite brunette's shoulder.

"That's impossible." She looks at him in shock. "My voice is my everything, it's who I am."

"Oh come on Rachel, that's not everything. You can still talk and walk and do everything." Finn stands up.

"You don't understand Finn, I'm like Tinkerbell, I need applause to live." Rachel, overdramatic as usual.

I roll my eyes as Quinn laughs at the drama queen in our presence.

"Unbelievable." I whisper to her as we both laugh at her.

Finn takes Rachel to the doctor and she comes back the next day telling everyone.

"Rachel has a bad case of tonsillitis." Finn explains why Rachel isn't talking.

"Oh thank god." Kurt mutters, making me and Brittany laugh. Well, I snort by accident and Rachel flashes me daggers.

Finn sings Jesse's Girl which is weird because Rachel and Jesse broke up I'm pretty sure.

Everyone whoops for him while I sit there motionless. I honestly miss him a lot but I need a break.

I walk out of the choir room and head to my locker as usual. 

When I get there I see a bushy haired brunette pretty boy leaning against the steel.

"May I help you?" I cock an eyebrow.

"Yes actually, I think you are the most talented singer in glee club and I think with my help you could become Vocal Adrenaline lead material." Jesse smirks at me.

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