I Do 4x12

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Finally Friday.

Which means... tomorrow's the big Schuester- Pillsbury wedding.

Mr. Schue texted me bright and early at 4 am telling me that he left for the airport. 

When I pull into the parking lot, I see a familiar looking bucket of bolts pull in the spot next to me. A body emerges from the teal colored steel on wheels and it's Mr. Schue.

"Hi!" I exclaim, jumping out of my car and into my favorite person's arms. 

"Hey squirt! How's everything?" Mr. Schue squeezes my face together, pretty much ruining the makeup I put on this morning.

"It's great." I say as Mr. Schue and I walk into school together. "Finn and I have been working wicked hard with the glee club to make sure we're ready for Regionals, everything has been going pretty smoothly besides the whole Warblers incident, and everyone breaking up, and Marley passing out at Sectionals" I ramble a little bit.

"Oh my god" Mr. Schuester looks at me.

"It's fine, she's fine, everything worked out" I say, giving Mr. Schue a sharp sigh of relief. 

We walk into the choir room together and his smile just grows brighter when he sees his Best Man sitting down at the piano.

Finn looks just as happy to see Mr. Schue as he is to see Finn.

They bro hug it out right before the students start filling in for the morning.

"Sh, we need to hide you" I say to Mr. Schue so we can surprise the glee club members. "Go in the music closet" I say, ushering him into the little closet full of sheet music.

Finn is hysterically laughing at me trying to fit our old teacher in a closet.

"Shut up" I smile as I walk over to him and nudge him.

The kids start flooding in the choir room.

"Who's excited for tomorrow?" I ask the kids to which they look extremely confused.

"I AM" Mr. Schue jumps out of the closet, causing half the kids to have recurring nightmares about their vest obsessed teacher jumping out of a storage closet.

There's uncontrollable laughter that fills the room once everyone notices that this is really happening, and they get over the initial scare.

Sam, Blaine, Brittany, Tina, and everyone else, run to Mr. Schue, their beloved teacher and give him a group hug. 

"I'm surprised that we aren't dead yet" Tina says from within the hug.

"now why's that?" I ask.

"Because, Finn's like... a teacher" she responds.

The hug breaks and Mr. Schue goes over to the whiteboard. 

I Do, he scribbles

"I have a question." Mr. Schue says. "Finn, instead of making a best man speech, I was wondering if you could do us one better and sing instead?"

"Yea, of course Mr. Schue" Finn hugs him and everyone aws.

"Oh, that reminds me. I was wondering if you guys would also be the music entertainment tomorrow?" Mr. Schue asks his students to which they respond a booming yes. He smiles widely at the response. "Alright everyone sounds great. Thank you!"

The bell rings which ends my time at McKinley for today. I'm leaving early to go pick out a dress for tomorrow. I know, it's bad. I leave everything to the last minute.

I head to Lord and Taylor to pick out a dress that would be good for the wedding.

There's multiple colors to choose from. I usually go with a metallic but I might switch it up this time.

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