Audition 2x01

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Today is the first day of junior year. So much in store. Looking at colleges, new start, it's just a refresh. 

I zip up my cheerios uniform and put my hair up. A lot has changed this summer, mostly for the good. 

I got my license so I'll be driving myself to school this year which is kinda cool. Me and Quinn hung out a lot over the summer. She gave her baby up which was really hard for her. I know that it's what was best but I miss having a goddaughter. Quinn also moved back in with her mom which was hard because I liked the company. I miss our rides to school too. 

I get the keys to my powder blue 2005 VW Beetle Convertible and yell bye to mum. She's been struggling since dad died but I think she's doing well. Liam is just, Liam, he's been rebelling, skipping football practice and I honestly never see him anymore.

I put my thoughts to the side as I turn the key to the car. The ignition starts up and I turn on the radio. First song that comes on is Don't Stop Believing. Of course. I don't change the channel even though it's bitter sweet. I really miss glee.

I get to school and everyone's all tan and wearing their best clothes for the first day. I see Jacob Ben Israel as I attempt to get to my locker. He holds a sign that says:

Glee's Big

Next sign:

Gay Summer

He then interviews Rachel and Finn, together, and Rachel reminds everyone of how they dated 'all summer'. I roll my eyes and keep walking. I feel a pair of eyes watching me as I do so.

I head over to Quinn, Santana, and Brittany who are up against the lockers. I flash a smile at all my friends. Before I can enjoy their company, JBI comes over just to ruin it.

"So Quinn, how are you after you gave up your bastard child?" He asks.

"I'm a lot less hormonal, there's been less crying, which is good." She responds calmly.

"How was your summer?" JBI asks Santana who seems to have had a vanity adjustment.

"Look, my eyes are up here Jewfro" Santana bites back.

Quinn grabs the camera to focus on her and how she's doing better.

"One question, what did you do with all that breastmilk?" JBI asks.

Next the camera goes to Britt.

"People thought I was on vacation but I was really just lost in the sewers." She says completely straight faced and me and Santana lose it.

"What about you Jess? Do you think it's best for you that you left Glee? Better for your popularity?" JBI asks.

"No, has nothing to do why I left." My eyes wander to the height contrasting couple walking past us hand in hand. The abnormally tall brunette looking back at me with a sad smile.

The camera pans over to the aforementioned couple.

"Did you get that?" Jacob asks and I slam the camera down.

A few periods pass and it's lunch time. I have no one to sit with because Quinn, Santana, and Brittany are doing a glee number on the courtyard. 

I decide to sit out there, alone, and watch them.

My thoughts are interrupted by a hot liquid spilling onto my skin.

"What the hell!" I yelp as I stand up. I see a bleach blonde, big lipped boy infront of me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." He says trying to find napkins to help me. "Let me help you." He offers grabbing some of my napkins from the table. 

He awkwardly starts wiping my stomach and my chest.

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