Acafellas 1x03

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I wake up on Monday morning to my damn alarm clock going off nonstop. "Shut that thing up!" Liam yells through the walls. I get out of bed so I have time to look good for today. Being a cheerio, there's a certain responsibility and power we hold to look and be the best. I need to keep up my end of the bargain and do this everyday. After I get zipped into my Cheerio uniform, I run down the stairs and make my favorite breakfast, an everything bagel with cream cheese on it with a strawberry smoothie.

I hear the beep of Santana's car outside. "Bye mom, love you!" I yell upstairs, hoping not to wake Grandpa. Liam's probably gonna be late but that's his fault.

"Hey girl!" Santana says to me as I get into the back with Brittany as Quinn is in the passenger seat.

"What's up Peters!?" Quinn gives me a little high five reaching into the back seat. She holds onto my hand for a second.

"Nothing much, what bout you?"

"You give me the feeling you're a unicorn sometimes." Brittany says to me with a boring look on her face.

"Oh, thank you?" I say.

"Yup, I discovered unicorns." Brittany raises her hands in the air like Jesus preaching to the choir.

We get to school with about 5 minutes to spare so I go to my locker and put my things away. I see Finn walking down the hall. Man, what is up with him lately, we haven't talked in like a week almost.

"Hey Finn." I say as the body walks past me and ignores me once again. "Alrighty then." I say, pretending I'm talking to myself. I slam my locker and go to first period.

Finally glee club rolls around and Mr. Schue is teaching us new choreography, which some of us think he's not so good at.

"rachel, you don't have to ask to use the bathroom. go ahead." mr shue says

"i don't need to use the bathroom," she sasses back, "i'm just doing ur fantastic choreography."

"alright rachel i get it."

"i can already hear vocal adrenaline laughing at Finn and Kurt's dancing." santana sneers.

"i think that if we want to be the best, we need to hire the best." rachel says. "we need to hire dakota stanley" she put her hand on her hips.

"who's that?" i ask

"the choreographer of vocal adrenaline"

"i mean, mr schue isn't that bad" i fight for him

"no i mean, it's fine if you guys don't want me anymore. get the dakota guy whatever. i'll just be your song coordinator i guess."

"alright, raise your hand if you want dakota stanley." quinn instructs.

almost everyone raises their hands besides finn. i get a look from quinn telling me to put my hand up and i do.

"Jessie?" finn comes over to me and whispers in my ear kinda. "why are you on their side, mr schue IS the glee club." he tries to persuade me otherwise then what i feel.

"well i mean, we could benefit from a pro." i argue back

"alright, it's decided! i'll give him a call later." quinn says.

with that, mr schue walks out of the room and then the bell rings.

finn walks out next to me
"why didn't you stand up for him?" he asks
"finn i barely know him. i mean yea glee is great but we're gonna best vocal adrenaline!!" i raise my fist as a hoorah. he then takes it down and shakes his head.

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