Original Song 2x15

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I strut by the choir room, on my way to the girl's bathroom. I hear a voice that sounds faintly like Finn. I decide to keep walking until I see Quinn poke her head in. 

I walk up to my best friend and she whispers for me to poke my head in as well. 

The sight I would lay my eyes upon was frustrating to say the least. 

Finn giving Rachel advice about her stupid original song. When will she finally understand that she can't steal my boyfriend. I'm so sick of her trying to ruin things for me.

"Like I've always said" Quinn walks back up to me, making my eyes jolt to meet hers. "Keep your friends close," She says softly, "and your enemies closer" She whispers in my ear and skips off.

I call to her as she frolics away, "when have you ever said that?" I laugh and I hear the door open, seeing my boyfriend emerge from the choir room.

"Hey" He smiles at me and gives me a sweet peck on the cheek.

"Hey babe" I hug him. "Hi Rachel!" I twinkle my fingers at the small woodland creature. Fake smile and all.

Finn takes my hand and intertwines our fingers together as we walk away.

"What was that?" He stares at me, hiding a smirk. Not well, may I add.

"I've decided that I need to start being nicer. When I first came here last year, I wasn't so mean and vicious. I want to be kind" I lean against the red steel as Finn grabs his binder from his locker.

"That's good, I'm happy for you" He smiles at me. "She wrote this crap song about her headband, you should try to help her. Maybe help her get in touch with her inner emotions?" Finn wraps his free arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer to him.

"I might be able to write my own song as well..." I look at Finn and he stares straight ahead. "You don't think I can do it, do you?" I take my body and rip it away from his grasp.

"No, I never said that." He puts his arms up in surrender.

"Well you didn't say anything which is worse." I point at him as he shakes his head at me. "Well, Hudson, watch me prove you wrong." I do the eye thing where I point at my eyes and then point my fingers at Finn's.

I hear Finn mumble something under his breathe but pretend I don't hear him calling me 'sexy when I get like this'.

I rush into the choir room when the bell rings so I can sit next to Rachel. 

Sitting down in the red chair next to my former enemy, silence fills the room. Quinn gives me a quick thumbs up and I smile back at her.

"So, as much as I hate to say it, we can't do Sing at Regionals like we planned" Mr. Schuester walks into the room.

"How much you wanna bet Sue had something to do with this?" Mercedes asks.

"Already on it." Mr. Schue responds to the comment. "She said something about sleeping with the drummer of My Chemical Romance in the 90's." He shrugs "Anyways, this means that we need to pick a new song."

Rachel basically throws her hand up in the air


"I stand with my suggestion of doing original songs for Regionals" Rachel stands up in the row with a toothy grin plastered on her face.

"I agree, I think Rachel might be onto something here" I say, agreeing with the crazed brunette.

"The only thing with that is, we won't be as good as the other groups." Mercedes says.

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