Mash Off 3x05

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I'm in geometry, bored out of my mind sitting next to Finn and Puck. Puck has this weird face going on as he stares at Shelby. He seems to be mouthing something, inaudible though.

The bell rings and he's out of his daze, a little shaken up, but done day dreaming.

"Dude, what was that all about?" Finn asks as we all walk out of class together.

"Oh, nothing, just bored." Puck shrugs and walks off, leaving Finn and I confused.

Finn and I walk over, hand in hand to my locker.

"I had a really good time Friday" Finn half smirks and leans against my locker.

"Me too" I smile, biting my lip. "We should do that more often" 

Finn reaches and grabs my waist pulling me into him as he smiles widely, knowing the effect he has on me.

"If I see you two fondling each other's breasts one more time, I'm gonna get to my goal weight" Sue says in passing, implying that we make her vomit. Causing Finn and I to keep our distance for the mean time.

Quinn walks by and grabs me, I wave goodbye to Finn as I'm being pulled into the girl's bathroom.

"Guess what" Quinn says rhetorically. 

"What" I say, pretending to be enthusiastic.

"Shelby won't let me join the Troubletones. She said she doesn't want anything to do with me and she doesn't want me near Beth." Quinn sighs. I get up and give her a hug.

"This is why you can't go plant stuff in her house to make her look like a bad parent" I say softly.

"Listen, she may have signed papers, but she will never be Beth's real mother." Quinn says sternly and then storms out of the bathroom.

The rest of the day goes by normally. Glee club is meeting in the auditorium so I find Finn and we walk together to the stage to meet the rest of the club.

We all walk in and see the Troubletones are there as well.

"What are they doing here?" Rachel asks, like the diva she is.

"We're having our annual mash up competition. But this year, instead of boys vs girls, we're doing Shelby's glee club vs ours. We thought it'd be good for some friendly competition to get us all ready for Sectionals!" Mr. Schuester smiles as he stands up from the shared piano bench that he was sitting at with Shelby.

Glee club is dismissed and everyone leaves besides, Santana, Brittany, Finn, and I.

"So, how about we take this to the next level" Santana says, getting in Finn's face. "Dodgeball, the only way to settle who the real champion here is"

"You're on" Finn puts out his hand, as he's kinda the leader of the New Directions.

"See ya in 15, moobs" She turns and calls out to Finn.

"Hey" I shout. "Don't talk to my boyfriend like that"

Santana and Brittany turn around. 

"Aw, look at that, he needs his little girlfriend to protect him. So cute" She says in a high pitched whiney voice.

"I don't need her to stand up for me. Just you need to stop being such a bitch sometimes" Finn bites back.

"We'll see you in 15" Santana pivots on her back foot and turns to the double doors to exit the auditorium.

Finn and I run into the choir room where the rest of the New Directions members are.

"We have 15 minutes to get ready for a dodgeball competition." I yell to everyone, using my belting voice.

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