Extraordinary Merry Christmas 3x08

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Today's the second Monday until Christmas vacation and god, am I excited? Yes. Ya know why? Because Finn and I are going on a ski trip to Snow Trails in Mansfield which is like two hours away. We're staying for the weekend after Christmas and he's gonna try to teach me how to snowboard so, I'm super excited for that. It's actually kinda hard to think about anything besides that.

I hop out of my Toyota, the wind blowing my Cheerio's skirt up, making me a modern McKinley Marilyn Monroe. I fix myself and run into school to see Mercedes and the rest of the glee club decorating the Christmas tree in the center of the choir room.

Once I walk in and the whole glee club is together, Mercedes starts All I Want For Christmas Is You, and of course, Finn and I are basically singing to each other while he picks me up to put the star on the tree at the end.

I give him a big hug and a kiss after he puts me down.

"Ohhh, look I found some mistletoe" Mercedes says as she climbs a ladder and holds the mistletoe over Finn and I, prompting a little makeout session that is quickly interrupted by Artie and Mr. Schuester.

"Best Christmas ever" I smile after I break away from Finn

"So," Mr. Schue claps his hands together "The local PBS station wants the New Directions to have their own Christmas Special, and Artie" He pauses and puts his hand on the boy's shoulder "They want you to direct it" Mr. Schue smiles proudly.

Later, I see Finn at his locker and decide to be a cute little girlfriend, and do that whole 'guess who' thing

"Guess who?" I say, putting my hands over Finn's eyes.

"Rachel? Rachel is that you?" He jokes and I remove my hands.

"Ha ha" I joke back at him.

"So, what do you want for Christmas little missy?" Finn pulls me in, wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Hmmm, a dolly, a pony, ummmm a puppy dog, another dolly, a hoola hoop, and maybe another puppy." I smile.

"What are you, like 5?" Finn laughs

I cross my arms and pout kiddingly.

"No, for real, all I want is you. Anything you get me is special and I'll love it. And if you don't get me anything that's fine too." I peck his nose.

"Same, all I want is you too babe. And that ski trip. Teaching you how to snowboard is gonna be so fun, plus, we'll be alone, in a cabin" He says whispering in my ear "it'll be cold, you'll have to snuggle with me to keep warm by our fireplace, we can go to the hottub outside, and maybe y'know" He smirks and I shove him away.

"Not now" I giggle, my cheeks flushing.

"God, I can't wait" Finn groans.

"I gotta go. Love you" I peck his cheek, after hearing the warning bell for class. As I'm walking away from him I turn around and yell "You better get me that pony" And wink, before turning around once again and finding myself walking straight into Sue Sylvester.

"ah, just the person I wanted to see" She smiles, breathing coffee breath onto me. "So, it's the time for giving blah blah, and I'm volunteering this weekend at the soup kitchen and I think you and your glee club should join me" Sue says.

"Okay, ya, I'll let them know. I'll get back to you on that" I smile and keep walking.

"I just don't want to be alone for Christmas, ya know?" Sue gets me to turn around and I stop and listen once again "I's my first Christmas without my sister. I just want to be with someone, anyone. Even glee club"

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