Pot O' Gold 3x03

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At school, Quinn decides to trick Shelby into babysitting with Puck so she can try to steal her baby back. Sue's still trying to get into congress with Sue's Corner, promising everyone that she'll cut the arts from all schools. Mercedes joined Sugar and Santana. Mr. Schue tells us that we need to sell ads in the West Side Story program to raise money for the club. When Quinn babysits, she plants stuff all over the house to make Shelby look like an unfit mother. 

After Quinn fills me in on all the drama I've missed, I just feel down. I feel like I'm just stuck and I don't know what to do with my life. I don't want to be a crazy person like Quinn and I don't want to be childish like Santana and Mercedes. I decide to go goth for a day.

Tina takes me under her wing and lets me borrow some of her older clothes she wore like her freshman year and stuff. 

I walk into the choir room with my new look, aka, eyeliner, blue hair chalk streaks through my hair, and all black clothes.

Brittany looks at me and nods at my new look.

"Why are there two Tinas?" She asks

"No, It's still Jess, just trying out a new look"

"Well, I personally think that this is a good example of diversity that we can use for our campaign. Good job. Proud of you" Brittany claps and smiles.

I take a seat next to Finn and he eyes my new look

"So, whatcha think?" I smile

"It's so not you. I mean-"

I cut him off "Don't worry, just for today" I put my finger on his lips.

"We have another new member, Rory Flannigan" Mr. Schuester introduces a boy in a green flannel

"That's my leprechaun," Britt whispers into my ear.

I walk into the hall with Santana and Brittany, Santana now part of the girl group with Shelby. 

"So, I have one wish, Irish boy. I want Brittany to join my glee club" Santana says to the new Irish kid.

"Sant-" I try but she keeps on talking.

Finn walks up and I lean on him as we observe what's going on

"Well, I guess I have to now" Brittany sighs. "Well, now how are you supposed to be my VP if you're in an opposing glee club. Guess you can't now" 

"Brittany, it was cute last year when you believed in Santa but there's no such thing as Leprechauns. God, just stop being such an idiot sometimes." Finn speaks up and I look at him shaking my head.

"Ya know, you were the only boy in glee club who hasn't said that to me. And you're the leader of them all which makes it worse. You're bullying and I won't stand for it" 

Britt huffs and walks away sadly.

I roll my eyes at the stuff that goes on in this school, and continue my day as a fake goth persona.

Yea, it would've been cool to be VP with Brittany but at least I'm still with Finn in ND.

Finn and I walk away and head to my locker

"i can't believe you just called her that. That's why she broke up with Artie because he called her stupid last year. You need to apologize to her" I cross my arms.

"It was a mistake and I feel horrible already about it" Finn looks at me as he leans against the red steel. "Jessie. I love you so much. You're so funny, sweet, caring, beautiful, and just the best. I just wanted you to know that" Finn says and he embraces me.

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