I Kissed a Girl 3x06

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I'm sitting with the rest of the glee club, waiting for Finn's return, along with Mr. Schuester. After Santana slapped Finn, (I'm calling it the slap heard round the world), they both got sent to the office and we were all sent to the choir room. 

After waiting for about 20 minutes, Finn and Mr. Schue come back.

"I saw her Finn, she slapped you" He says, out in the hallway, thinking we can't hear their conversation.

"But she didn't, it was a stage slap. Okay?" Finn sounds frustrated as he walks through the door and comes and sits down next to me.

"You okay?" I whisper as he puts his hand on my thigh.

"I'm fine. I just don't want her to get suspended for slapping me" He whispers. 

"Your face still has a red mark" I put my hand on the side of his face and gently brush it along.

"Whatever, I don't care Jessie. It's fine, I'm fine" Finn says, obviously annoyed with me.

The girls from the Troubletones suddenly barge through the door.

Finn walks up to the whiteboard scribbling ladies on it.

"This week, the Troubletones and New Directions will both be singing music created by ladies and for ladies" Finn says.

"Oh hell no" Santana shakes her head.

"Next week all of us will be going to sectionals and one of us is probably gonna win" Finn keeps on ranting, "But, Santana, we're worried about you"

"Worry about yourself, fetus face" She snaps back.

"Glee's about learning how to accept yourself, who you are. No matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about" Finn points to the board behind him.

"So I don't even get a say in this?" Santana questions. "Not cool"

"Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany" Finn walks closer to Santana, "We don't judge you for it, we celebrate it, because it's who you are. Look, I know not everyone outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know that in this rotten, stinking, mean world, that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you wanna be. That's it, that's what we're doing here" Finn raises his arm and points to Kurt and Blaine. "Blaine, Kurt?"

The boys stand up in front of the class

"Santana, Kurt and I have a song that we like to sing to each other in the car, and we wanna sing it for you right now" Blaine says.

"Although there's nothing I'd love more than two pretty ponies serenade me, I think it would get us further staging a gellervention for Blaine than singing lady music" 

 "I know it's hard, it was hard for me too." Kurt says to Santana "But you can get through this"

Blaine of course has to chime in "If you'd just stop being so defensive-"

"I'm trying but your hideous bow ties are provoking me" Santana says sarcastically, cutting Blaine off.

"Wait are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl?" Puck asks. "Cause there's a big difference"

"Puck" Mr. Schue turns to him, "focus, okay? Kurt, Blaine? Why don't you kick us off and show us what you got"

Kurt and Blaine sing Perfect by P!nk and did a very great job, Kurt's voice is just amazing with how he sings it softly.

Finn and I are swaying and smiling along with the rest of the glee club as the song gets upbeat and starts to end.

Everyone claps for the two guys singing to our friend, and Finn keeps his eyes fixed on Santana. 

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