Diva 4x11

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I walk into school just to see Ms. Pillsbury freaking out in her office.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her, to which she throws two different colored flowers on her desk.

"Blue or white?"

"Blue's sad" I say, "White is more you, especially because it's a clean color you know?"

"Agreed." She smiles, and throws the blue flower pot on the ground. "how's preparing for Regionals going?"

"Horrible, I have no idea what to do or how to get the kids to be more excited for it." I sit down in one of the chairs facing Ms. Pillsbury.

"Remember what Mr. Schue used to do with you guys? Do a competition." She shrugs as she tidies up her office.

"great idea! Just what would the competition be?"

"Diva off!" Ms. Pillsbury turns sharply and has a big smile on her face.

"Help me judge?"

"Of course" She smiles.

"I need to go tell Finn!" I say. "Thank you!" I hug her and run down the hallway to the choir room.

Finn's in the choir room and I catch my breath to tell him my idea for this week.

"Diva week" I say, after I'm able to breathe finally. "Ms. Pillsbury's gonna help us once glee starts today, she's gonna co judge with us" 

"Love it" Finn high fives me and then the bell rings.

The kids come in the door and I go and stand by the whiteboard as Ms. Pillsbury enters.

"What's she doing here?" Jake asks.

"It's diva week everyone!" Finn cheers.

"Yayyy" Ms. Pillsbury says. 

I decide to jump in and explain why we're doing the lesson, "So, this week is to find your inner strength and find security in your voice" I say, and then write Diva on the whiteboard.

"According to Urban Dictionary..." Ms. P starts going on about what a diva is but I think we all kinda ignored her little speech honestly.

"Great, so I guess the guys are screwed this week" Jake says, after Emma finishes her little talk.

Blaine's head pops up. "Guys, can be divas" he says looking at Jake.

"That's right" Emma says, "we all have inner divas, I myself have been considered quite a diva at many local restaurants because I know what I want, and I will send a dish back"

"You all might as well quit while you're ahead. Cause there's only two ways to spell Unique" Wade/ Unique says, causing eyes to shift to her. "And one of them is D-I-V-A, Diva"

"I have more diva in my little finger than you have in your whole angry inch, Wade-Unique" Tina bites back.

"Tina" Marley crosses her arms, "You've kinda been talking some ridiculous trash for months unchallenged, and that stops now"

"Use that finger use that snap" Emma says, still thinking the kids are listening to her.

"Listen, guys can be divas" Blaine insists

"You guys" Brittany joins their conversations, "I'm gonna win diva week, and do you know how I know that? It's because" 

Brittany, Unique, Tina, Marley, Blaine, and Kitty start singing Diva by Beyonce and I can tell that they're imagining themselves up on the cat walk.

I nudge Finn and point my head in their direction to show how pumped they already are for the upcoming week.

The bell rings and the kids all fly out of the choir room.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ ᏞᎥmᎪ★·.·'¯'·.·★Where stories live. Discover now