Yes/No 3x09

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I sit down next to Mercedes as Sugar tempts her to spill what happened over summer break with Sam.

For some reason, the whole thing turns into a number of Summer Nights from Grease. Quinn is having a blast as we run around singing but I look at everyone with confusion. It's literally like winter, why are we just remembering Mercedes and Sam's SUMMER fling.

"Guys. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it" I sigh, after the runaround that happened during the song.

"Whatever, I'll find out somehow" Sugar squeals and runs away on her designer heels.

After lunch, we have glee club and I sit with Finn as Mr. Schuester scribbles something on the whiteboard.


I look at Finn and he looks at me, I smile a toothy grin and he does his little half smirk.

"Oh my god" I squeal "It's happening!" I clap my hands together.

"yo, who's getting married?" Puck asks as he walks out.

"I'm proposing to Emma." Mr. Schuester smiles at us all. "I thought, no one better to ask than the New Directions." He shrugs.

"Oh my god" Rachel claps. "The girls and I will start planning something, magical" Rachel says, volunteering the glee girls.

After glee club is dismissed and everyone leaves, Rachel calls an emergency meeting for the glee girls in the choir room.

"So" She claps her hands together "we're going to help Mr. Schue propose. I'm thinking a jumbotron, maybe a chocolate fountain, I'm not sure-"

Santana cuts her off "No way Berry" She says. "Those are all idiotic, childish things" she says and Brittany nods.

"Maybe we could sing" Brittany says

I put my hand on her shoulder "maybe that's why he asked us to help him propose... to sing" I say, raising my eyebrows with attitude.

The meeting ends and I walk to lunch, with Finn on my arm.

"Doesn't all this wedding stuff just make you so excited!?" I ask, gushing about the upcoming proposal.

"Yea, I mean, it's cool that Mr. Schue wants us all to help." He smiles, giving my hand a squeeze.

As we walk to the cafeteria, we pass the teacher's lounge. An unsuspecting Emma, sitting with Coach Bieste. I can hear muffle of their conversation through the glass wall.

"Cooter.... eloped.." Coach says, showing Emma her ring.

"come on, I'm gonna miss the tots" Finn says, linking his arm with me the pull me away from staring into the teacher's sanctuary.

We sit down at lunch, and Sam joins us.

"Finn, I need to convince Bieste to put my on the basketball team" He says, taking the seat next to me, sandwiching me between the two boys.

"Tryouts are long over, she won't make any special exceptions." Finn shrugs and goes back to eating his tots.

"You could join synchronized swimming" I smile, trying not to laugh at the idea. Finn almost chokes on his tots.

"Ya, swimming's hot" Sam nods.

"Not when it's synchronized" Finn whispers, only for me to hear.

"Yea, go try it!" I encourage Sam to go see the swim coach to impress Quinn and he gets up and leaves lunch.

Later, after last period, Finn and I see Sam walking in a robe all soaking wet.

"Oh my god, you didn't" Finn says.

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