Saturday Night Glee-ver 3x13

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Blaine struts down the hall with Joe and Brittany following him as they break out into You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees. I decide to join their mini flashmob where we end in the auditorium in front of Mr. Schue and the rest of glee club.

"What brought on this performance?" Mr. Schuester asks.

"The Nationals theme this year is vintage. There's nothing better than disco" Blaine smiles at the rest of the club sitting down in the seats.

"I don't know if I ever told you guys this, but back when I was in glee club, we took it all the way to Nationals with the pure power of unadulterated disco!" Mr. Schuester says then starts dancing and whisper singing something, I look at Blaine and he just shakes his head.

"Why have we never done disco?" Blaine asks.

"DISCO SUCKS" Everyone yells at Blaine.

After lunch, everyone files back into the choir room and are shocked to see the makeover it got.

"Did someone steal our floor?" Brittany asks as she enters behind Blaine and in front of Santana.

I bite my tongue so I don't laugh at her.

"Don't worry, we'll have it back by the end of the week" Mr. Schue says as he stands with coach Sue. "In the meantime, Sue has lent us her-"

"My very own personal, one of a kind, lit from within, shatterproof, Plexiglas, dance floor" Sue cuts Mr. Schue off and smiles as she admires her dance floor that looks like it was ripped out of a disco joint about 40 years ago. "Modeled of course, on the dance floor moralized by a young, musky John Travolta at the height of his potency and the legendary dance-ical, Saturday Night Fever"

"Coach Sylvester, although we applaud your proper use of the terminology, we told Mr. Schue that we do not support disco in this room" Rachel puts her index finger in the air and waves it around a little bit.

"Ah, but some of you do" Mr. Schue says which causes Blaine to smile and look at new kid Joe. "So, for this weeks assignment, we're going back in time to the songs of Saturday Night Fever" He takes his vinyl off the red seat and shows us the cover of the album.

"C'mon Mr. Schue, that's like a record our parents listen to" Finn sighs earning him a gentle nudge from me.

"I disagree, I think that the 70's were the coolest. They had legit dance clubs where you could wear the coolest outfit you had, hang out with your friends and dance without being scrutinized. It also was the decade of roller skating rinks which look wicked cool back then. But disco also brought us the hits of the Bee Gees, Abba, Donna Summer, the Village People, Earth Wind and Fire, and other artists. It was a trend that defined a whole generation. Yes, I admit that it's embarrassing to actually sing in front of people but, like I bet that each one of you have a playlist that has one of those artists I just listed. Now get over yourselves and lets groove!" I smile and turn the attention back onto Mr. Schue.

"Tony Manero's story is your story" Mr. Schuester goes on about disco and I just now notice Puck's shirt that has a lightning bolt that says DISCO SUCKS. Causing me to burst out in laughter. Mr. Schue must've noticed too because he smirked a little bit. "He's a guy working at a paint store, struggling to figure out his life. And the only time he feels sure about himself is when he's performing. On the dance floor. He has a dream, to get out of his old neighborhood in Brooklyn and get to New York City. And by the end of the movie, that's just what he's done. He's turned his dream, into a plan" 

"So why the dance floor?" Kurt asks, getting back to the point.

"Well porcelain, cause we're gonna start with a dance off" Sue says and goes to lift up a little wooden figurine dressed in the iconic John Travolta suit. "And the winner, will receive a replica of John Travolta's iconic white polyester suit. Which I am having a team of Vietnamese tailors painstakingly reproduce" Sue says and Kurt's eyes basically bulge out of his head.

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