Shooting Star 4x15

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WARNING: Mature themes ahead, including but not limited to: school shooting, guns, blood, other traumatic events. BEWARE

"So, our competition for Regionals has been announced" I say, talking to the glee kids as they sit in the seats of the auditorium. Finn standing next to me.

"We have the Hoosierdaddies, and the Nuntouchables" Finn says, barely being able to say the names without bursting out laughing.

"Um, Finn" Brittany raises her hand. "I hate to be the one to inform everyone of this tragedy but there's a deadly asteroid hurling it's way straight to Lima." Brittany says, reading from her phone.

"Oh, is it like the whole Mayan Apocalypse thing that made you and Sam try to get married" Kitty says.

"no it's real" Brittany says, "I saw it on my telescope as well"

"Where are you getting your information from?" I ask Brittany and she looks up from her phone again.

"uh, my notes on my phone" She admits "Kiki agrees with me as well, don't you Kiki?" She asks her phone and the voice says some nonsense that of course Britt believes. "I won't be spending my time in the choir room getting ready for Regionals, I need to try to make amends with Lord Tubbington before it's too late"

We head to the choir room where Finn and I have decided to dedicate this week to Brittany's theory.

"This week, we're doing a lesson of Last Chances" Finn says, taking the black marker and writing on the whiteboard.

We leave out the part that this is also gonna help us prepare for Regionals.

The bell rings and the kids head out of the choir room, like usual, without ever saying bye which I have no idea why, starts to bug me a little bit. 

Instead of leaving after glee club like Finn and I usually do, we decide to go to the teacher's lounge where there's free coffee, so I can save some money instead of going to Starbucks for a 6 dollar iced coffee.

On the way to the lounge, I see Ryder taking a girl and leading her into the choir room. Instead of minding my own business, I get nosy and decide to see what's going on.

He's singing to her but I hear her say that she's not who he thought she was, which must suck. After Finn and I broke up, I felt like I'd never find love and that's probably how Ryder feels about Marley and that girl he just tried to serenade. But once Finn and I got back together, things have been great again. I just want him to be around forever. I can't lose him again.

I snap out of my thoughts and go into the teacher's lounge where Finn's waiting for me with a mug of coffee.

"Why thank you" I say, like an old timish person from England and curtsy.

"The pleasure is all mine" Finn dorks around with me, which makes me kiss him on the cheek.

We sit down at a table for two and talk for a little bit.

"So, why's Brittany freaking out? I just don't get how she can see an asteroid through her telescope" I sip my coffee.

"It honestly makes no sense, like I get it if she got her information off of like some stupid website but the fact that she's telling everyone all about this, it makes her look even crazier than she already is." Finn says, as he sits back in his seat.

"I just don't know how to help her. Which I really want to do. She's an amazing girl and I can tell that she's scared. I just want to help her" 

Finn reaches his hand out to the middle of the table, and I latch onto it. "You're doing great already, it's okay if you can't help everyone. It's okay, you're doing just fine already." He reassures me.

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