Glease 4x05

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The day has finally come for the big announcement. 

Mr. Schue has Finn and I sit on the two wooden stools that are facing the students as they flood in.

"I have an announcement to make" Mr Schue says when everyone has gotten settled and is seated. "I've been selected for the Blue Ribbon government panel to improve the arts programs in America."

"That's great Mr. Schue" Tina smiles.

Mr. Schue's smile fades, "but, that means that I'll be in D.C for a little while. So, I've found two substitutes for you guys while I'm gone." He says, and presents Finn and I.

"Finn? Are you kidding? He has no authority. No offense, Finn. But he's so unqualified." Tina yells.

"That's why I'm here-"

"You're even worse! You went to YALE and dropped out of YALE!" Tina takes a hit at me. I pretend to be shocked but I just roll my eyes at Tina, aka the new drama queen.

"Well, I'll be back after Sectionals" Mr. Schue tries to make the situation better.

"We'll all be dead by then" Tina throws her hands up.

The glee club is interrupted by none other than Sue Sylvester. 

"Macaroni head, Baby Hater, and Traitor? Figgins, now" Sue demands and we all follow her out of the room.

"They have no qualifications whatsoever to be head of the glee club. Or the maturity" She says, the last part looking at Finn.

"You see, they're adult volunteers. It's just volunteering" Mr. Schue pleads with Figgins who had already approved the situation prior to Sue's uproar.

"I don't see any issue with this" Figgins says.

"If Finn Hudson remains in charge, my fragile peace with this school will be over." Sue says.

Figgins puts his hands up and ignores Sue.

"Fine" She says, storming out of the office, before going on one of her familiar rampages throughout the school.

After school, I help the girls with their outfits that Tina worked on earlier.

"My skirt-" Marley says as she tries to fit into her yellow skirt. "It fit yesterday" she says quietly.

"Maybe you're inheriting your mom's weight genes" Kitty shrugs and I give her the death stare. "What?" She asks, knowing exactly what I was looking at her for.

"Can I see your skirt really quick?" I ask Marley to which she nods along with. 

I get on my knees and look at the fabric.

"Says it's a size 4." I whisper to myself. I hit the jackpot when I feel stitching in the side of the skirt. "Looks like it's been tightened a little bit over in the side." I say. "I'll get some scissors and cut that so it'll fit you again"

"I- I didn't put that there" Marley says obviously frustrated.

"Who else has been here Tina?" I ask since Tina's in charge of the costumes.

"Uh, Kitty was a few days ago" Tina looks down at her feet.

"Kitty? Did you do this?"

"No" She rolls her eyes. "the fact that you even-"

I cut her off "It seems like something you would do. Plus you have your motives." I cross my arms. "Come on" I say softly, nodding my head in the direction of Figgins' office.

Kitty walks next to me as I take her to Figgins'. Like yea, does this make me uncool? Yea it does. But she's trying to bully Marley which is also uncool. And if people would've stepped in for like Hitler and stuff, I'm sure he wouldn't have done the whole invading Poland and all those places.

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