Born This Way 2x16

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After a week of being sick, I head back to William McKinley High School. After a week of ice cream, Disney movies, Finn's sweatshirts, and soup, I'm finally back. 

I walk through the choir room door to see Rachel, with a blue honker for a nose and black bags under her eyes.

"Jeez, did I like miss a fight or something?" I ask, with a chuckle.

"No, Finn just broke my nose yesterday." Rachel responds.

"Oh jeez" I say, looking into the purple on her schnoz.

Finn walks in with the rest of the club and he takes his usual seat next to me.

Once everyone files in, Rachel walks to the front of the room.

"So, I went to the doctor yesterday and he said that I should consider getting a vanity adjustment."

"You mean, a nose job?" Quinn looks confused.

"I have a deviated septum and the doctor said it could possibly improve my singing." Rachel smiles.

"What about the risks?" Mr. Schuester butts in.

"There are none." Rachel smiles back at him, floating on a cloud of positivity.

"Ya know, all the girls at Temple look a little different after their sixteenth birthday. But, the thing with that is, yes it's easier to makeout with them without getting stabbed in the eye, but it's passed on from our people, how they survived." Puck says.

"Well, I don't care." Rachel crosses her arms.

"Do you have any idea what type of nose you want?" I say, trying not to laugh.

"Yes, you and Quinn have the perfect nose." She looks at me and my best friend.

"I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with this Rachel" I say shaking my head.

"Well, Quinn?" Rachel looks at Quinn hopefully.

"Fine." She gives in. "I'll go with you to the nose job guy"

"Rachel, stop. You're beautiful" Finn intervenes. I look at him in shock, he shouldn't be calling other girls pretty...

The bell rings and class is dismissed. 

I walk out with my boyfriend to my locker per usual.

"What was that about?" I ask, avoiding eye contact.

"She just needed a boost of confidence." Finn scratches the back of his neck nervously.

I shut my locker and lean up against it. "Listen, I know you guys have a history but I just don't want her to win" I mumble.

"What do you mean win?" He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. 

"She wants to break us up. She thinks you're a prize. With you, she's gonna get popular she thinks. Finn, she's just using you." I say as we walk confidently through the high school halls.

"So what are you saying? I'm a prize? Cause, this relationship works because I trust you and I thought that you trusted me." Finn, obviously mad, huffs.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. In her eyes, maybe. But in mine" I take his hand, "we're dating not you and her. Rachel needs to get the message because it seems that she hasn't gotten the picture that you two are done."

"I called her beautiful and took her to the doctors, is that illegal?" Finn raises his hands up at me.

"No it's not. Just you obviously don't understand that that's what she wants. That's what a boyfriend does. Take their girlfriend to doctor's appointments, sing duets with them, tell them how beautiful they are." I wander off with words, spilling out of my mouth.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ ᏞᎥmᎪ★·.·'¯'·.·★Where stories live. Discover now