I Am Unicorn 3x02

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Once again, I find myself out of glee club. Last year it was by choice, this time it was forced. I miss singing and dancing and being with Finn.

I've been getting to school early and hanging out on the stage to get the singing bug out of me. I hear a door open and shut and I immediately get up, startled.

"Jessie? It's Shelby"

I get over the shaking feeling that I felt when I heard the door slam and walk over to the light to see Beth's mom.

"Shelby!?" I say excitedly.

"Hi honey!" She embraces me "Why aren't you in the choir room? I saw Mr. Schuester earlier but he didn't mention anything about you at all."

"He kicked me out because he thinks I lit one of his pianos on fire but it was actually the rest of the cheerios and not me. And he won't listen to me. So here I am, singing by myself, at 7:30 in the morning, on the stage" I shrug. "It's actually kinda nice just singing whatever I want, no pressure, no one judging me." I take a seat at the grand that I was playing on.

"well, wanna know why I'm here?" Shelby gestures for me to scooch over on the bench for her to sit. I nod and she continues, "I'm here to make my own glee club because Al Motta was mad his talentless daughter didn't get into New Directions. So, if you want to join, you're more than welcome."

"Wow, I could be the Finn Hudson of your group!" I smile, coming to the realization.

"If you want to try to recruit some girls, or anything that would be awesome. Let Quinn know as well"

"Um, funny you should mention Quinn" I blush, "She's changed, she's a skank now. I don't think she has any plans to join any show choir."

"Jess, don't call her that though"

"Well, that's the name of her group, the skanks" I say.

"Oh" Shelby laughs.

"Well, I need to get going to class" I check my phone and see that it's almost 8ish

"I'll see you soon" Shelby waves me off as I go to my first period class.

I get into the hallway and immediately am blindsided as someone grabs my arm. I look and see that it's Puck.

"what do you want?" I ask, annoyed.

"Listen, I can't tell Quinn right now because she's like insane but, you were her best friend and I needed to get this off my chest"


"I saw Beth"

"Oh my god. You did!?" I hug Noah out of no(ah)where (get it lol, so punny)

"Yea, she's beautiful, but there's no way Shelby's gonna let Quinn see Beth if Quinn has a nose piercing, a tattoo, and pink hair." Puck says.

"Well, I'll try and talk to her after first period. I'm sure she'll be chain smoking in the bathroom." I shrug, walking off.

"Hey" Puck grabs my arm again and pulls me back into a hug. "I'm really sorry that you got kicked out of glee club. You didn't do anything at all, Mr. Schue can be such an ass sometimes" Puck tries to cheer me up.

"It's fine, I have another plan up my sleeve" I wink at Puck and strut away to first block.

First block goes by slowly but fast enough that I don't lose momentum to track Quinn down.

I run to the bathroom when the bell rings, just to find Quinn and the rest of the skanks shoving some poor girl's head down the toilet for her lunch money.

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