The Purple Piano Project 3x01

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This summer has been pretty good for the most part, got to spend time with Finn which was fun. Had tons of sleepovers with Santana, and Brittany, Quinn was nowhere to be found all summer which was really wack. I did lots of babysitting for the neighbors, worked as a lifeguard, got into shape, really glowed up.

JBI was storming down the hallway with his microphone and his camera man so I was brainstorming everything that went on this summer. 

He goes to Finn first who's next to me, going through his locker.

"So first we have our mediocre quarterback and mediocre glee club lead, Finn Hudson. Who's dating reinstated Cheerio Jessie Peters." JBI introduces Finn, the camera pans on me for a second as I'm mentioned and I give a little wave. "So, have you given any thought into what the future might be like for you?"

Finn hesitates and then studders into a sentence "Psh ya I know what I wanna do. I got big plans, huge plans for the future." He looks at me and I shrug, not knowing how to respond.

"How about you? Jessie?" JBI shoves his microphone in my face.

"Well, I'm applying to Harvard, Yale, Brown, Ohio State, Penn, Vanderbilt, Duke, and Georgetown for Neonatology. Which is in layman's terms, a baby doctor. I take care of newborns, and the mothers." I smile at the camera.

Jacob leaves and Finn wraps his arm around me.

"You're so smart Jess, I just have no idea what I want to do with my life. You'll make an amazing nurse, and you're definitely smart enough to get into all those schools. Me on the other hand, I haven't tried all four years I've been here. I'm so lost" Finn says and I turn around and hug my boyfriend.

"You don't need to know right now, we can go to guidance and Ms. Pillsbury can help you, I can help you, they have websites for this kinda stuff. I love you Finn Hudson, and if you're lost, I hope that I can help you be found" I peck him on the cheek.

"You're really the bestest person on Earth." Finn blushes and I smile as we walk hand in hand to glee club.

We all sit down in our seats, but there's some holes that are noticeable from missing Quinn and Sam. All I know is Sam and Quinn broke up and that's why Quinn dyed her hair pink, got a nose ring, and a tat of Ryan Seacrest on her back.

I get lost in thought as Mr. Schue goes on and on about stupid purple pianos, blah blah blah. Puck couldn't convince Lauren to stay in the club after we lost at Nationals, so Puck and her broke up as well.

There's a cheerios meeting during school outside and I see Quinn hanging out under the bleachers with her "skank" crew. I nod to Santana and Brittany and we all walk over to her together.

"Quinn, it's our senior year. It's not the same in glee, or even cheerios without you. Everybody misses you." I plead with my former best friend to turn normal again.

"You guys are such suckers for going back to Sylvester" Quinn looks at us, almost in disgust.

"we're like Starbursts, but you're like the Jolly Rancher that ended up in an ash tray" Brittany says to Quinn.

"Well, if you change your mind, I have a bottle of peroxide and a bar of soap in my locker" Santana says, then we all turn around and walk back to coach Sue.

I'm a little frustrated with the fact that Sue picked Becky and Santana to be captains this year but I guess I'll live. She also told us that we need to pick a team, I said I wasn't sure but Santana immediately picked team Sue.

The bell rings and it's time for lunch. I take my old spot at the Cheerio's/football table with Finn, Brittany, Santana, and Puck. Rachel gets up and spots the piano in the room.

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