Sue Sylvester Shuffle 2x11

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Sue has us doing a crazy number inspired by Katy Perry. Sporting bright blue wigs and putting chicken breasts inside our bras to make our boobs 'jiggle' some more. Practices keep getting weirder and weirder. 

I get startled out of my daydreaming as Quinn slaps me with a chicken.

"What the hell?" I say and everyone's eyes dart to me.

"Well, if you didn't look so unamusing out there, then I wouldn't have made you get slapped by a chicken" Sue says. "Brittany? Please step forward" Brittany gets out of the line of cheerleaders. "I want you to be shot out of a cannon for our showstopping routine at Regionals" Sue says making me and Quinn give looks of worry at each other.

The next day, we have a football game to cheer at and the boys are arguing about glee and it's insane. 

On Monday, I walk into glee club to see coach Bieste there, as well as the rest of the McKinley Titans football team, and Artie red with slushie stains.

She announces that the football team will be joining us to reunite the football team.

"Rachel, Puck? You said you had a song prepared?" Rachel walks up and Puck grabs an acoustic and start singing Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. She keeps looking at Finn, trying to make him jealous but he keeps his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder, smiling at how great the song is, even though Rachel's singing it to him.

"The girl with the mohawk has a really nice voice" Anzimo says, prompting Puck to come at him with the guitar and the rest of us pulling him back.

Class is dismissed and I see Puck and Finn having a deep talk infront of the trophy case. I see them fistbump and walk away to cheerios practice.

We meet outside next to the big cannon.

"Congratulations Brittany, you will be doing the show stopping finale at Regionals." Sue says after Becky crashes a champagne bottle 'christening it.

"Wait, I don't wanna die" She looks in fear at the big torture device, "at least not until One Tree Hill is canceled"

"Fine, to put your toddler sized head to rest, I'll use this dummy I created to test it out" Sue says.

She loads the dummy into the cannon and it explodes. Brittany bends over to pick up the decapitated dummy head.

"Don't worry, I'll get Mr. Schue to take care of this" Quinn looks at me and then Brittany, putting her hand on her shoulder.

We head into glee club the next day and Coach is back with Mr. Schue to talk about the half time show.

"Sue changed the night of her competition to the same night as the championship game, so now we have no halftime show" Mr. Schue says.

"So, we're gonna have to work together on this and we decided that you're all going to put on a halftime show in place of the Cheerios" Bieste finishes.

"No way I'm going out there. It's the championship game" Anzimo whines.

"Wait, what about the Cheerios that are in glee club?" Finn asks looking at me, Quinn, Santana, and Brittany.

"Well they have a choice to make" Mr. Schuester says.

"We all know what Jessie's gonna choose" Rachel says for me.

I turn around and look at her "You don't know that Rachel" Finn sticks up for me.

"I think the cheerleading competition is gonna be a lot of fun but, if you go, you're gonna miss out on us doing the most iconic song of all time. The Super Bowl of pop anthems." Mr Schue emphasizes on this. "Thriller" Everyone cheers. "Remember when that Korean prison that put that video on inmates dancing on youtube? Well, in the time they made that, prisoner on prisoner crime dropped 70%." He says. "Doing that together as a team, created a unity with that prison. It's just what I'm trying to do here." Mr. Schue looks at us hopefully.

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