Prom Queen 2x18

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So, prom is coming up on Friday night and I have no idea what to do. I have nothing planned with Finn, Quinn's busy campaigning with Sam who's LOVING all the attention. I've just been at home ordering pizza and watching tv with Finn. 

I take my seat in homeroom today, since it's prom announcements and we have to go. I'm a little bummed that I can't go to the choir room and sing about stuff but whatever. 

I take my usual seat next to Quinn.

"This is it! Nomination time!" She claps her hands together and I fake a smile in her direction.

"Hello students of William McKinley" Figgins comes on the intercom "I have in my hand the list of nominations for prom king and queen" He always over explains things and it's so annoying. "First, your prom king nominees are, Sam Evans, David Karofsky, Noah Puckerman, and lastly" He takes a breath "Finn Hudson" He says bluntly.

I look at Quinn with confusion. She just shrugs and goes back to listening for her name to grace all of the student's ears.

"Now, your prom queen nominees are, Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Lauren Zizes, and finally, Jessica Peters" And with that Figgins' voice is silenced and everyone is clapping for the nominees for the prom court.

"JESSIE YOU'RE NOMINATED!" Quinn squeals at me and hugs me.

"Yay" I say, unenthusiastically. "Don't worry, my vote is still going for you" I smile.

"We need to get campaigning for you now" Quinn squeezes my shoulder proudly of her turning me into one of the most popular girls at school.

"I still need to go dress shopping." I look up at Quinn and watch her expression change to shock.

"Oh, we're doing that after school, for sure" She smiles and pats me on the back as the bell rings to move onto glee club.

In the choir room, Mr. Schuester informs us that we're gonna have to sing at our own prom which sucks because I thought I'd just be able to dance with Finn and whatever but now I have something else to do.

I look at Finn as Mr. Schue tells us the news and I watch him give me a sad smile and he mouths that it'll be okay and I nod. Knowing my boyfriend is absolutely right.

The day flies by quick, so quick that me and Quinn are ready to go shopping for my dress. I've kinda spent the day hoping that school would go by fast that I can go look for my dream dress.

We get to the boutique where Quinn gets all her fancy dresses and I look at a price of one and it's 500 dollars which is absolutely insane.

"It's okay, they have a lot on discount and I can help you out or something if you need it" She offers.

"No, it's fine. Mom gave me her credit card." I smirk pointing to my purse.

We walk through a few different sections: the wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, and finally hitting the prom dresses.

I look at the collection of satin, beaded, chiffon, poofy goodness. 

"Do you have any color in mind?" Quinn asks me.

"Nope, no idea whatsoever" I smile back at her.

"So, I think you'd look good in like a blush pink-" I cut her off

"No way, I don't want to look like a strawberry" I say to my best friend.

"Okay, maybe we can try like yellow, maybe a light blue or something?" She suggests, taking me to the next isle with the yellow dresses aligned together in a row.

Quinn tells me to go into the dressing room and she'll be in in a second. I go along with what my friend says and head into the huge dressing room.

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