The Role You Were Born To Play 4x04

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Mr. Schue asked me to come into school again today, and I complied. I threw on a cableknit turtleneck tan colored sweater, with my corduroy skirt, my Tory Burch boots completing the look. I grab my mini Prada purse which is just navy blue nylon. 

I hop in my Toyota and get to school. It's like I'm back in high school again, always trying to make it on time by the skin of my teeth.

When I walk in, the bell rings and I walk to the choir room where I assume Mr. Schue is.

"Knockity knockity" I say playfully as I knock on the choir room door.

"Oh hey" Mr. Schue says. "Come on in" He smiles.

The room's empty, the glee clubbers are all in their daily classes.

"So, what did you ask me back for?" I ask reluctantly as I sit down next to Mr. Schue.

"I got accepted into the Blue Ribbon Panel" Mr. Schue tells me the news with obvious exclamation in his voice.

"That's amazing!" I say. "What is that?" 

Mr. Schue laughs. "It's this thing for the performing arts. I'll be judging show choirs!" He says which causes my expression to change.

"OH MY GOSH!" I jump up and hug him. "That's like your dream!" 

"I know!!" He yells with joy. "But, the thing is" His tone changes "I have to go to Washington for it. Which means I won't be able to teach glee club" 

"Oh no, you're not going to-" I say but he cuts me off.

"No we're not disbanding it, never. I have a better idea as a matter of fact" A mischievous smile is apparent on my favorite teacher's lips. "I was wondering, would you want to take over? At least until I come back?"

"Oh my god" I stare at the tiled floor, then I can't help but smile widely. "I'd love to"

"and- and you don't have to have a teaching degree, you're just volunteering" He says with air quotes. "I talked to Figgins and since he liked you so much, he's absolutely fine with this situation"

The bell rings which causes students to flood their way in the choir room.

"I have an announcement" Mr. Schue goes over to the whiteboard. He scribbles Grease on it, underlining it twice. "Grease."

"Um?" Tina says.

"It's the musical we're doing. And we have a special guest who'll be directing it along with Artie, since he did an amazing job with West Side Story last year" Mr. Schue says.

I look at the teacher and furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I mouth 'what' to him and he shakes his head, which confuses me because I thought that I was the special guest.

And then, to my surprise, a blast from the past walks through the door.

"Finn Hudson" Mr. Schuester smiles opening the door.

I look at Mr. Schue and shake my head and he smiles, knowing what he just did.

"We'll start auditions today after school" Finn smiles and glee club is dismissed.

Once all the students file out of the room, it's Mr. Schue, Finn, and I. The tension is so dense, you could cut it with a knife.

"You guys wanna come to the Teacher's Lounge for some coffee?" Mr. Schuester asks and I don't even look up. Apparently Finn doesn't answer either because I get left alone with him in a room as Mr. Schue goes and gets coffee.

"We should talk" Finn says, to which I put my hand up.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I shut him up as fast as he started talking. "We're here for the kids. We don't have to like each other or make peace. We just have to work together."

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