Ecclesia Part 1 Chapter 22

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Belle hums, her eyes never opening as she drinks in the smell of a lightning storm from her angel, "For the most part, serial murder involves strangers with no visible relationship between the offender and the victim. An offender selects a victim, regardless of the category, based upon availability, vulnerability, and desirability." Came the huntress' unexpected reply.

"Availability is explained as the lifestyle of the victim or circumstances in which the victim is involved, which allows the offender access to the victim. Vulnerability is defined as the degree to which the victim is susceptible to attack by the offender. Desirability is described as the appeal of the victim to the offender. Desirability involves numerous factors based upon the motivation of the offender and may include factors dealing with the race, gender, ethnic background, age of the victim, or other specific preferences the offender determines." Belle rants, peaking out at the wtf looks from those around her besides Jaibrian, the huntress rolls her eyes and closes them again, when the two males looked to the Jay, the angel just shrugs at them, eyes falling down to the girl on the verge of dozing into slumber on her lap.

"David Rossi published a new book, Belle's been reading it." She informs the two, nudging said girl as she coaxed her to their separate room, snapping her fingers and changing the young human out of her "FBI" clothes and into a more comfortable pair, laying her down on the large bed so she may rest.

***Time Skip***

Waking up to a knock on the door, Belle rustles herself out of Jaibrian's hold, opening her door to her father in his suit, "Come on kid, we got another one."

Belle sighed, ignoring the disapproving look of her partner she nods, "Be there in a minute." Slowly she changes out of the oversized sweater and shorts that had been placed on her as she got into her suit, feeling Jay behind her.

"You need to rest." The angel whispered, eyes connecting with her hunter's in the mirror, disapprovingly as Belle placed a layer of red on her lips.

Belle nods, letting her back press against the figure behind her as she sighs, "What do you want from me Bluebird? To let innocent people die?" She whispers, "I'll be back soon, don't fly away on me?"

"Never," came the hard promise as Belle slipped into her heels and left, joining her family.

Dean's narrowed eyes met her as she exited, "What took you so long lover girl?" Belle just rolled her eyes, slipping past him and into baby as they went to the next scene.

As they enter the party Belle immediately feels eyes roaming over her, shivering disgustedly she hurries her pace, walking down the stairs and into the scene, she walks over to the Forensic Technician ignoring her father and Uncle's questioning looks behind her. "Hey, you can't be down here." An officer states, hands out in front of Belle, she smiles sweetly, looking down then back up.

"FBI," she smiles, showing him her fake badge, which he takes an exponentially long time looking at. His confused glance gets worse as he looks between her badge and herself over and over again.

"Sorry Agent Morningstar, you look really young." He says sheepishly, hand scratching at the back of his neck.

She lets it roll-off, "No problem... Officer?"

"Gimodi, Carlton Gimodi, is there anything I can help you with Agent?" The stubby man smiles, a little eager.

Belle forces a nod, ignoring the uneasiness at how close he was to her, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Officer Gimodi nodded, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief as he led her to a pool of apples, "A young girl, Jennifer Wilton, 17, was bobbing for apples when she drowned," He brought her over the corpse and Belle leaned down, grabbing the gloves given to her by the coroner, lifting the white sheet to see blistered burns all over her face. "witnesses say the water wasn't hot," He nods to another girl, blonde, who was talking to Dean, "her friend Tracy said she'd supposedly just did it and it was fine."

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