Meeting with a verlac

Start from the beginning

Alice comes into the room and stands beside me like she does every Monday when we do questions of requests or even we have a meeting in here instead. A guard walks forward with a boy with red hair walking behind him. "Hello, your majesties. Queen clary, beautiful as always" the boy says. "Mhm, thank you. Now, what's your name" I ask. "My name is Leon Verlac. I came to ask about my cousin" he says. "Your cousin? Sebastian? Why he is dead" Jace asks. "Exactly, he's dead. My cousin should not be dead. He was a good person. He did not deserve to be killed in cold blood like he was" Leon says. "I agree but we cannot bring your cousin back to life, "I say. "I know that, but that's not what I want," he says. "We were not informed you were here with demands," I say. "That's because no one asked. Now, what I want is to be able to talk to the one who did it himself. I want him to hurt for what he did" he says. "You want to get to my brother," I say. "Yes. Now, you send someone to fetch him and I will leave you all alone" he says. "Absolutely not. You will not touch my brother or anyone in this family" I say sternly. "Yes, Mr. verlac I agree, it's unfortunate that years ago your cousin was murdered. Jonathan redeemed himself under the mortal sword and we all know what really happened. If you were not there then that's too bad but do not come here to our castle demanding us to do something. You're lucky we don't throw you in the guard for that. Now, you will pack your things and we will have someone send you back to Paris. That's where you're from am I right" Jace says. "That's right," Leon says. "I thought so. You will be on the next trip out of here and back to Paris. You will also leave Jonathan alone" Jace commands. "One other thing. I heard that "Jonathan" has a son and a daughter. It would be a shame if something happened to either of them" he taunts putting Jonathan's name in air quotes. I hear Alice's breath hitch. I shoot up from my seat fuming with anger. No one is to threaten either of those two. "Don't you dare ever threaten those two. Don't ever threaten my brother and his family. Yes, it's wrong Sebastian was murdered, but do not bring my brothers, kids, into this. Zillah is just a baby and they are both innocent in all of this. I change my mind. You are to spend 10 days in the guard" I say raising my voice. If I wasn't heavily pregnant I would go down there and teach him not to mess with my brother's family. Leon just looks at me with a blank face. "Take him," I tell the guards. They grab Leon's arms and walk him out of the room, castle, and to the guard.

"Clary, sit down," Jace says. I plop myself down on my throne. "Calm down love. He's not going to get zillah or ash or Jonathan" he says. I nod my head and say "I know." I take a deep breath and calm myself down. "Nothing is going to happen to them now clary. But he did overstep his boundaries by demanding things of us and threatening them" Jace says to me and Alice. "I know Jonathan and ash can protect themselves and zillah if they need to, but I don't want but zillah or any of them getting hurt," Alice says. "They won't, Alice. We will make sure of it" Jace says.

Someone comes in and hands a packet of papers to Alice.  She opens it up and looks at what it says. "There is someone here about the position for head of the London Institute," she says. "Go ahead and send them in," Jace says. "But give me a few minutes, I'll be right back, just got to step out for a few minutes," I say and stand up. "Are you alright?" he asks. "Yeah, just need to use the bathroom. These babies are kicking on my bladder once again" I say. "Alright, hey, on your way back why don't you get the notebook and the things we need for our interviews," Jace says. "Alright," I say and leave the room.

I go to one of the bathrooms and go to our office. One of the disadvantages of being pregnant is you have to pee, constantly. I look through the filing cabinet and get out the papers I need. I grab the notebook some pens and a clipboard. Once I have everything I think we will need I head back to the throne room. "Feel better now," Jace asks. "Yeah," I say and hand him the notebook, clipboard, and things he will need and I sit back down.

"Ready," Jace asks. "Yeah," I say and motion for the guards to let the person in. They open the doors and a woman walks in. She stands in front of us at the bottom of the two steps. "We were told you want to interview for the position of the head of the London institute," I say. "Yes, that's right," she says. "Alright well first off, why don't you tell us your name," I ask. "My name is Laura Thrushtower," she says. I write her name down on our interview page. "Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself," I say. "I'm 25 years old. My husbands' name is Joshua Thrushtower and we have three kids. Two daughters and a son. They tend to take up most of my time but when I can get some peace and quiet I like to read or go for a jog" she tells us. We write some of that down. "Tell us, Laura, why do you want to be the new head of the London Institute," Jace asks. "I am up for the challenge and I like to challenge myself. I would love to live in London and be the head of the institute there. I would love to be able to report back to you every once in a while. If you would allow me to, if I get the position that is, to let my husband lead by my side. He is very smart as well, especially in tactical approaches" she informs us. I write down a few key traits I like about her.

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