Happy Riddling {Edward}

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Imagine..... 💚❔🎄

Gotham City during Christmas time was so gorgeous! It was your absolute favorite time of year, and you couldn't wait to celebrate it with Edward

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Gotham City during Christmas time was so gorgeous! It was your absolute favorite time of year, and you couldn't wait to celebrate it with Edward. This was your first Christmas together and you couldn't be happier. Being with Ed was a dream come true. He's so sweet and always looking out for you. And he absolutely loves his riddles! He's constantly coming up with new ones for you to solve.

It's become a weekly tradition for you guys to just sit down and solve riddles. Of course, he knows the answers. He just loves testing you. And you always seem to figure them out so quick. Even Ed is impressed with that. He loves to challenge your brain because he knows you can do it. And you hated that he gets picked on all the time at work for his riddles and the way he holds himself. Eventually he'll snap. And it won't be pretty. But your heart was full of love for him. He's amazing.

"Oh Eddie! It's so beautiful....." You looked around his apartment in awe from all the beautiful decorations he set up. And the beautiful snowflake lights glittering in the room. And his big, handsome smile looking back at you as you came into the living area, giving him the biggest hug ever.

"I usually don't do all this. But I thought, why not now? We have our own winter wonderland here." You smiled so big as you kept your arms firmly wrapped around his neck, his handsome face looking down at you with the cutest smile ever. And you kissed him, the sweetest kiss imaginable.

"What's red, filled, fluttering and live?" He looked at you for a moment, before a soft smile came to rest on his face, his eyes seeming to beam with happiness. And that made it all better. He hasn't been this happy in so long. Work has made him different. But tonight. Even if it's only tonight, you made him smile.

"Our hearts." You simply grinned as you gave him yet another kiss, not wanting this day to ever end.

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