Lunch period ends and I decide to head out early to go get ready for my night classes I've been taking at University of Lima.

When I get home, I take a quick shower and just blow dry my hair straight and put on a hoodie and sweatpants. Finishing the outfit off with a pair of cuffed ugg boots. I'm glad that college isn't like high school, it's nice not caring about how you look or what you're wearing. I can never go anywhere without wearing at least a bit of mascara so I decide to swipe some on my lashes.

My class starts at 9 which really sucks because I used to go to bed at like 9:30 but I can't anymore due to getting my degree.

The class is pretty empty, just the usual eight students (including me), all spread across the mini lecture room.

Our teacher goes on and on about how engaging with students is the most important part of teaching and how getting kids involved is how they learn best, blah blah.

I basically fall asleep during class, but I keep myself from doing so because I know that I have glee tomorrow and all that so I try to focus on class and I try to remember that I can sleep when I get home.

When class is over, I immediately pack up my North Face backpack, shoving all my materials in and zipping the bag shut. I practically sprint to my car so I can get home and sleep.

I get home, take another shower, and fall asleep feeling warm after my long hot shower.

Finn's POV:

Jess is running late today, usually she's the first one here out of the two of us. The glee kids come into the choir room and it looks as if I'm gonna have to run this meeting all by myself.

"Where's Jessie?" Marley asks, I think she and Jess really get along and Jess is kinda like a big sister to Marley, it's really sweet.

"I dunno" I shrug. "She hasn't texted me." I pull out my phone seeing no messages from Jess.

I have no idea how to start the lesson, usually when Jessie's here it gives me some confidence but I don't know how to start the club off today. It just feels off.

"Why would you do that?" Ryder stands up, in the last row as he's talking with Marley and Jake.

"Hey, hey" I walk over, trying to get them to stop fighting. "What's going on?"

"Marley's catfishing me" Ryder says.

"No she's not dude" Jake intervenes but is unsuccessful.

"Enough" I yell. "God, just grow up guys. If Marley and Jake both deny doing it, they most likely didn't okay?" I put my hand up to my head, suddenly getting a headache.

"Oh, Finn. I have an announcement" Brittany waddles up to me, her ponytail swinging.

"Go for it" I take a seat, and put my cold hand back on my forehead, cooling the hotness off.

"Turns out, the asteroid was just a dead lady bug on my telescope, so there's nothing to be worried about. We're all safe and Sam and I aren't gonna go get married this time" She says and claps. "Yay!"

Brittany walks over to me.

"Can I use the bathroom?" She asks, since apparently I'm in charge, they have to ask me I guess.

"Sure" I shrug, not really caring honestly.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

It's a text from Jessie:

I just pulled in, I'm coming now. I'll explain later!

I text back a smiley emoji and a red heart.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ ᏞᎥmᎪ★·.·'¯'·.·★Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora